Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago
Tea tree oil.
Put some in your finger, rub on toenail and between toes.
You can find it at the health foods store.
Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago
Tea tree oil.
Put some in your finger, rub on toenail and between toes.
You can find it at the health foods store. 1 year ago
I suggest to dilute it because the oil is quite toxic. 1 year ago
Just to clarify to not confuse OP. When you say dilute that means mixing it with another oil, right? Like coconut oil or something? 1 year ago
Yes. You can mix it with other oils. It can be an irritant for certain people.
Tea tree oil has antiseptic properties and anti fungal properties and is typically a component in treatments for foot fungus and other skin treatments.