oof / womp womp
holy shit i hate the “news”
Submitted 9 months ago by airrow@hilariouschaos.com to news@hilariouschaos.com
oof / womp womp
holy shit i hate the “news”
It’s mostly just for discussion, most people know the masks were just “security theater” and weren’t really that helpful or necessary, and that if there were real problems much more dramatic measures would have been needed to have been taken
Oh, it’s you again, from the Rowling post. Trying to spark discussion based on shit articles and false premise (“most people know the masks were just “security theater”…”).
Would you rather me wear a mask, or not wear a mask while I spit in your face? If you’d rather me wear a mask, why?
The metastudy that th is (old) article is based on drew widespread criticism from experts and researchers back when it was first published, and its conclusions were widely misinterpreted by antivaxxers and matimaskers, as you have also done.
If you’re interested in reading more about its flawed methodology and also some good evidence that masks do indeed help to reduce the spread of airborne pathogens, here’s some homework for you:
Ok, consider a different line of thinking: Did you see that story where the CDC said to treat covid like the flu?
You should now follow the same precautions with Covid as you take with the flu, according to new guidelines from the CDC
The simple logic goes: CDC says to treat covid like the flu, we didn’t mask for the flu previously, therefore we shouldn’t have to mask for covid…
(Someone mentioned though this suggests people should get “vaccinated” like for flu… although such “vaccines” are experimental and therefore present unknown danger so that wouldn’t seem like the best idea)
Hence assume that this was always true. Then, by not masking, people were following the CDC’s future guidelines correctly, it’s just the “experts” had the incorrect guidelines issued in the past. Many people were treating “covid” just like the flu since they observed that’s all about what it seemed to be like (majority of people recovered from it without problems, without “vaccines” or masking).
So basically completely ignore the facts that
the form of coronavirus at the beginning of the pandemic was significantly more dangerous than it is now,
that the population back didn’t have the degree of immunity it does now thanks to widespread vaccination and previous infection
we know significantly more about the virus and the ways that it can be treated and prevented now than we did at the beginning of the pandemic
Congratulations, your genius plan would have overloaded the healthcare system even more than it did and millions more people would have died. Masterful gambit, sir.
tHiS pUbLiC sErViCe sCiEnCe ArTicLe BrOuGht To YoU bY tHe NeW yOrK pOsT
Understood, although we probably feel the same way about posts from wapo, cnn, msnbc, etc.
though the topic of articles could still probably be discussed
Masking and other precautions killed a strain of the flu. bloomberg.com/…/covid-killed-yamagata-type-b-flu-…
Imagine, if there weren’t so many anti maskers and vaccine deniers we possibly could have killed covid as well.
themeatbridge@lemmy.world 9 months ago
Bullshit study by an anti-masker cherry picking data to make himself look smart.
airrow@hilariouschaos.com 9 months ago
I guess the point is the “science” isn’t settled so people should be free to not wear masks; certainly mask mandates are a ridiculous idea, right?
themeatbridge@lemmy.world 9 months ago
First of all, fuck off with that “science isn’t settled” bullshit. You’re not hiding your agenda at all.
Second, fuck you. People die from COVID. Wearing a mask was the absolute barest minimum of common courtesy, and your lot bitched and moaned like you were neing forced to walk on Legos.
Third, go fuck yourself. There were no mask mandates. None. Hospitals, airports, and private businesses required them for obvious reasons but at no point was the government mandating masks. The CDC recommended wearing masks, and the anti-reality crowd flipped their collective shit.
I have neither the time nor the inclination to point our all the reasons your argument is bad and why you should feel bad for making them. You’re a piece of shit, and your stupidity contributed to countless deaths. Your ideas are a virus of stupidity, and the kindest thing anyone thinks about you is that you’re just a moron who has fallen for a grift. Everyone who isn’t a piece of shit hates you.
Go away.