Don’t overwater them, they’re very delicate
happy spring :)
Submitted 10 months ago by to
Comments 10 months ago 10 months ago
They’ll fuck up your garden then be killed by your dog…
Move them to a quiet corner of a non- dog space, in range such that their mom can smell them.
" Oh no booboobooo" I don’t give a shit, my dog will eventually find them I don’t know why they keep picking the center of my yard every year 10 months ago
Next time put me serving around your garden. I recommend two layers, chicken wire and fencer wire, with a gate to get in and out. Growing up we only ever had a rabbit get past it once when the gate was improperly tied closed. If you use a raised bed then you get even better protection. 10 months ago
No no, I never detect the rabbits until they’re shreds.
They pick the most idiotic, unseen parts of lawn to make a nest. Once their scent dispersed at all, my dogs find em way before I do 10 months ago
Many years ago, my grandmother asked me to plant a potted plant for her. I took the spade to the designated spot and stuck the tip down atop the ground cover there and something underneath screeched.
Turned out to be a clutch of rabbits much like the one in the picture. All of them were fine. Just startled. I wouldn’t have known rabbits ever made any sound whatsoever if I hadn’t happened to disturb them. 10 months ago
Yooo how did u manage to grow those. Must have used some secret sauce fertilizer to get results like that.
(…but fr what are those cute lil things) 10 months ago
Bunnies! I need me some bunny seeds 10 months ago
I have a Leonberger and raised garden beds so they’re at the perfect height for her to checkout what happening in the bed. She always seems to find these bunnies before I do. When they are big enough she’ll take them out of the bed and try her best to snuggle with them. Nothing gruesome, she’s trying her best to have a friend.
Worst part I’m allergic to rabbits. 10 months ago
Throw in a pan with garlic and butter 🤌 10 months ago
Bones 10 months ago
Soo do I replant these elsewhere? 10 months ago
I would have thought they’d keep their babies deep in warrans. 10 months ago
Nah they’re not smart. One left a litter in the grass next to some loud equipment. I dunno if it scared mom away or not but one morning during power up I found 3 frozen dead buns. Was not a good day. 10 months ago
Oh, that’s horrible.
I was mowing the lawn when I lived with my parents one day and I chopped a baby bunny’s ear off even after doing a walk around before I mowed. Luckily he was gone in about an hour, but yeah, bunnies aren’t smart. 10 months ago
One summer a few years ago, my neighbor (city woman newly moved to the suburbs) comes banging on my door. With her eyes all big she says, “you gotta come out here and tell me what this is”
It was a nest of like 15 newborn bunnies 😁