How do I sell my rights to social security benefits?
Become a sovereign citizen (or at least play one for your marketing material) and through the power of belief in bullshit, you can sell courses on trading social security benefits to credulous morons. 11 months ago
commoditization of a safety net negates its purpose. its gross to even consider privatizing.
its bad enough insurance company profits exist only when human beings suffer. can we stop with the profiteering maybe a little? 11 months ago
Oh like you don’t want people to just go to hell? XD 11 months ago
I like your message, but insurance companies actually profit when everything is going great. Insurance companies would like nothing more than for everyone to be perfect, and never need to file a claim. 11 months ago
any for profit insurance only makes money by denying claims. they cant possibly cover all claims. its an inherent property of insurance and why its more like gambling than anything. the profit piece just means more money is siphoned away from the distributed responsibility.
with health insurance that claim is a human suffering 11 months ago
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