Top AI expert ‘completely terrified’ of 2024 election, shaping up to be ‘tsunami of misinformation’::“I can’t prove that," says Oren Etzioni, professor emeritus at the University of Washington. “I hope to be proven wrong. But the ingredients are there.”
Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I feel like anything produced by AI should be somehow watermarked at the source. At this point there’s only a handful of companies. It wouldn’t be too hard to have them all insert something into the final product that is easily identifiable. Something like a microscopic signature in a corner, with model info and date produced…idk. Not anything that ruins the image, but something that can be seen by anyone, if looked for.
If nothing else there should be a large push to inform the public of telltale features to look for (i.e. too many appendages) to help them determine if it’s created by AI or not. While not fool proof, if it can discount even a portion of the misinformation, imo, it’s worth an effort.
To me, it seems irresponsible of the companies running the AI to just unleash it upon the world without training us humans to understand what we’re looking at. Letting us see how realistic everything is while letting us know its been produced by AI, at least helps us to comprehend the scope of the matter and adapt to the situation at hand. Esp for those who don’t fully grasp what AI can and cannot do. 1 year ago
If anything it’s highlighting problems that already existed like the rollback of the Fairness Doctrine. If it was still in effect you would have more legal ground to stand on. Now they can lie, shrug and say ‘we’re just entertainers’ and they do it from Maddow to Carlson