This porn company makes millions by shaming porn consumers::Strike 3 Holdings says it’s the creator of ‘artistic’ and ‘inspiring’ pornography. Some judges call it a copyright troll that makes millions by threatening to out those who download its films.
It’s insane this type of extortion strategy is still legally and financially viable. 1 year ago
Important context missing from the headline and opening paragraph: they’re going after BitTorrent users.
The opening makes it sound like they’re threatening their own paying customers (or maybe people that just visit the site) with exposure unless they pay “hush money”. 1 year ago
I’m sorry, it’s okay because they use BitTorrent? wtf? As I recall the company argue in court than a mere IP address is enough to proceed with a lawsuit. They already try to ruin lives, this is more of the same. 1 year ago
So the litigant is filling lawsuits against IP addresses or did they ask the ISP for the customers info? Not trying to take the side of “Big Porn” but I have a hard time defending something that’s clearly against the law. By all means steal porn but get a VPN or something.