At least they do not know the exact reason, if they are even aware that they are dying. Just thinking of some war video footage and my own experience of the crash that broke my neck and back and almost killed me. And those that I have seen die. Some of this is a matter of mental state of awareness, or sudden onset of unknown factors to the individual, while others is a matter of an unseen assailant.
Brian Thompson knows how he died. It’s unclear if he knew why it was happening though. He may have died thinking Luigi was just a random mugger, and him being Brian Thompson was irrelevant to what was happening.
Or, maybe Brian knew why he was being shot. As far as I know there’s no audio, and nobody ever leaked what was said.
Still though, there was another lady there, which means SOMEBODY knows what was said. The fact that she didn’t immediately hit the talk show circuit, like the today show or whatever, shows that she’s not some pussy snitch. Once she read why that happened, she was like “Ooooooooh, ok. I didn’t see nothin!” 1 day ago
Nobody knows how they died, because they’re dead.
Many people know how they’re going to die, at least approximately. When you’re 93 and have cancer, you know. 1 day ago
Coke fueled orgies are a great way to go out, I agree! 1 day ago
I prefer cherry coke. No ice. 1 day ago
I can argue my father did but did not know how he died.
Be my 62 yr old dad. Get terminal glioblastoma diagnosis. Brain melting… Brain melting… Brain melting… Dead 12 months later exactly not knowing who or what he was/is.
Legit beain/brainstem forgets how to breathe/send heartbeat signals and in the end its an off switch with extra steps. 1 day ago
With some probability but not with certainty. At that age it could be anything.
The post isn’t about knowing in a meaningful or useful sense. In this context it is about the anxiety of the experience in the moments just before it happens.