Improved land is worth more than unimproved land.
You said yourself it has recreational value.
Submitted 1 week ago by to
Improved land is worth more than unimproved land.
You said yourself it has recreational value.
but that is my assumption. maybe it is not worth $2x/m2. maybe it is only worth $0.5x/m2
You said yourself the going rate is $x/m2 for unimproved land, so improved land should be worth more.
Are you going to get 3 times the current price of the land consistently doing this? Probably not.
Can it increase the price a little bit? Yes.
A lot of it will come down to who can buy the land, if it’s just random $10k properties in the woods, you may be able to land some random customers who will pay $30k because you brought it to their attention.
If it’s $200k properties you’re trying to flip for $600k, it’s very unlikely to ever happen.
if it’s just random $10k properties,
For my case, that number is $5k
you may be able to land some random customers
I’d need 50 customers at that price
in the woods
Climate is dry so there is no such thing as “in the woods” here. “In the woods” areas are valuable here (at least emotionally). People drive for 2 hours to go to such areas here for picnic
The problem IMO is differentiating the land from alternatives. Otherwise people wouldn’t pay 3x or even 2x probably. Why would they?
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say you’re not in North America. I don’t think there’s anywhere you can buy land for $5k in a city around here. This changes things unfortunately,
For smaller values of land you want it to be more of an impulse purchase rather than logical one.
If you’re in a country where $15k is a substantial sum of money, then this simply won’t work.
If you want this to work you need customers who won’t even bother comparing it to other properties, you need to make it easy for them to see way more than $15k of value for their life (camping, relaxing, sporting, etc.) and make it REALLY easy for them to buy.
Scam or not, you should at the Timeshare industry as an example of how this is normally done.
“Can marketing work to increase sales price of land?”
Let me introduce you to this cute little place called Greenland. Weather is beautiful year round.
That’s less marketing than location. Location, location, location.
I know this isn’t the point of your question, but in many states recreational land gets its own zoning classification. An the value of recreational lots is much more situational than other types - often worth less than other zoning because its harder to sell.
this one is agricultural land
i wish it had zoning :) 1 week ago
Marketing does not increase prices in itself. It can only help reach more potential customers. So it really depends on whether there’s someone out there willing to pay the increased price and if the chosen marketing method is effective in reaching those people. 1 week ago
what would be the cheapest way to figure out if such people exist? 1 week ago
Talk to a specialist estate agent. Trawl though sales listings. 1 week ago
Check sales listings for any sold property at that price?