- Comment on would getting back with an ex be a bad idea? 19 hours ago:
He’s going to do it again, you’re being delusional if you think he will change in the next few years.
Move on.
- Comment on Does it make sense to buy a lifetime supply of honey? 3 days ago:
What do you think buying $200 worth of honey will save you?
- Comment on Does it make sense to buy a lifetime supply of honey? 3 days ago:
You’re likely better off investing the same amount of money.
Buying it all now is betting that inflation will be higher than your investment return over the next 40 years. That’s not a good bet unless the world literally collapses.
- Comment on Who gets all the tariff money about to be collected from US citizens buying products from Canada? 4 days ago:
The US government, that’s how import tariffs work.
- Comment on What's easier to shoot, a bow or a firearm? 6 days ago:
Technically bows are also generally more quiet, but that’s a very small point most of the time.
- Comment on Why build for tomorrow when it's someone else's tomorrow? 1 week ago:
Not really how our monkey brains work generally. We’re biologically programmed to do lots of things, like want to have babies (or at least sex and not be smart about it) and to take care of them. Not everyone does a good job, but historically speaking it’s led to a population of a few hundred people turning into a few billion.
- Comment on How would a stateless society handle serious threats such as mass murder and terrorism? 1 week ago:
I mean, if you want a great example, Genghis Khan killed his half brother at 8 years old in order to “secure his family position” then went on to lose a bunch of battles, then win a bunch of wars and murder his way to the top of an empire.
If you don’t think that’s an example of strongest = leader, I don’t know what to tell you.
Modern cartel leaders are very similar in most cases, they’ve schemed, battled, and murdered their way to the top.
- Comment on How would a stateless society handle serious threats such as mass murder and terrorism? 1 week ago:
In wolves it’s fake, in humans it’s quite accurate.
It still exists today so don’t tell me it was never a case of the strongest = leader. Drug cartels are effectively states, and ruled by extreme violence (even internally)
Even if your argument were accurate, that would be considered a state. A group of people agreeing on rules together is a state.
Like I said, with few enough people and it could be considered “not a state” but there isn’t any realistic way to have a stateless society of even tens of thousands of people, let alone the millions and billions of people that exist these days.
- Comment on How would a stateless society handle serious threats such as mass murder and terrorism? 1 week ago:
States did exist, just because it was the strongest man in the tribe declaring the rules arbitrarily didn’t make it not a state.
- Comment on How would a stateless society handle serious threats such as mass murder and terrorism? 1 week ago:
It wouldn’t.
Stateless societies don’t work, that’s why despite thousands of years of recorded history, we don’t have any record of one ever succeeding.
Even just having a village elder who decides disputes is a form of state. Hell, having parents who decide the rules in a family is a form of state.
- Comment on Is there a less stinky way to cook broccoli? 1 week ago:
Broccoli is great raw, why cook it?
- Comment on Is there a less stinky way to cook broccoli? 1 week ago:
This is the single best answer if it needs to be cooked.
- Comment on In a hypothetical revolution who would secure the resistances comms? 1 week ago:
I’m going to point out, for the technologically illiterate, that GPS satellites do not in any way track people.
GPS satellites go “beep” and by listening to the timing of those “beeps” from different satellites, a GPS receiver on earth can determine it’s own location via triangulation. It’s a bit more complicated than that, but that’s the basic idea.
The only way you can be “tracked via gps” is if your GPS tracking device is also transmitting information using some other method (cell phone, radio signals, non-gps satellite connection, etc.)
- Comment on Why do people say more people didnt vote for trump than did? 2 weeks ago:
I don’t think most adults have that capacity, but doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
- Comment on Why do people say more people didnt vote for trump than did? 2 weeks ago:
As George Carlin once said, imagine the average American, then realize half of them are stupider than that.
- Comment on How do I stop laughing at stupid shit all the time 2 weeks ago:
If someone annoys you by being happy all the time, you may want to reevaluate your life.
- Comment on How do I stop laughing at stupid shit all the time 2 weeks ago:
Smile all the time and then people can’t tell. Plus people will find you more friendly.
- Comment on Why are tornado sirens only for tornadoes and not other severe storm events? 2 weeks ago:
Tsunami sirens are a thing in places near where I live.
Theres also a siren for the volunteer fire department about an hour away from where I live because it’s a small lake community that has poor cellphone coverage.
- Comment on Meaning/implication of “you don’t have to do this” in this context? 3 weeks ago:
The implication is that they’re not into small talk.
You can choose to continue the small talk and they will probably continue responding, but they are letting you know that they’re not really into it.
- Comment on What would happen if USA invades Canada? 3 weeks ago:
I honestly haven’t considered that one, definitely more likely to be followed, but I suspect Panama would likely sabotage it before letting it fall into US hands at this point.
Any sort of physical aggression would probably be unpopular with US citizens again because there’s no provocation from Panama, US ships use it all the time so there’s really no reason to take it by force. Once there are losses of military men and women in fighting over it it would likely quickly turn it into a deeply unpopular situation.
There are militarily strategic reasons to take Panama though, which is why the generals may still agree. If trump were to declare some sort of semi-war on China for example and the goal was to reduce Chinese global shipping capacity.
- Comment on What would happen if USA invades Canada? 3 weeks ago:
I honestly suspect that if Trump were to order an invasion of Canada, the military would refuse.
There’s far too much goodwill among the military and populace to invade Canada without some sort of provocation happening first. It would likely just be taken as an unlawful order and refused.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say you’re not in North America. I don’t think there’s anywhere you can buy land for $5k in a city around here. This changes things unfortunately,
For smaller values of land you want it to be more of an impulse purchase rather than logical one.
If you’re in a country where $15k is a substantial sum of money, then this simply won’t work.
If you want this to work you need customers who won’t even bother comparing it to other properties, you need to make it easy for them to see way more than $15k of value for their life (camping, relaxing, sporting, etc.) and make it REALLY easy for them to buy.
Scam or not, you should at the Timeshare industry as an example of how this is normally done.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Are you going to get 3 times the current price of the land consistently doing this? Probably not.
Can it increase the price a little bit? Yes.
A lot of it will come down to who can buy the land, if it’s just random $10k properties in the woods, you may be able to land some random customers who will pay $30k because you brought it to their attention.
If it’s $200k properties you’re trying to flip for $600k, it’s very unlikely to ever happen.
- Comment on Is there any way I can realistically send a message to Donald Trump and have him read it? 4 weeks ago:
If you spend enough money you probably could.
Probably on the order of $10k-100k.
For example if you rent enough billboards across the country to make the national news, or do some other such stunt.
- Comment on what are “female jocks” called? 4 weeks ago:
They’re actually called Jills around here.
- Comment on Are character templates based on fictional characters "probably" fair use? 4 weeks ago:
For personal use? Absolutely.
For commercial purposes, almost definitely not.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
If you’d be willing to put yourself in harms way for another person, you love them. By harm I don’t necessarily mean dying, harm could mean even a risk of an injury or something.
Just to be clear, love doesn’t necessarily mean romantic love, it can be love for a family member, a friend, or even just society in general.
I’d jump in front of a car to protect my wife and kids, but probably not my dad. He’d be okay with that since he’d be the one jumping in front of the car to protect me. If he calls me up and asks me to help him install something on top of his house (he has a history of falling off ladders) I’d go do that for him though.
- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 4 weeks ago:
Please tell me your choice of “Their” was a joke…
- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 4 weeks ago:
They don’t all agree on anything. Logic and reason aren’t part of the requirements for MAGA.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
I’ll give you my experience with this:
I don’t quite have a photographic memory but I’d say it’s reasonably close in terms of written text. If I pick up a textbook and read it, I can re-read the pages in my head at any point during that test to try to figure out the answer. For tests where all I have to do is recall and write down info, this works really well. For tests where the information needs to be applied to a problem, it helps but doesn’t always work perfectly, and here’s where I need to use my brain to try to “translate” the book knowledge to apply to the specific question.
I usually studied for 2-3 hours, did a handful of practice questions, then went and got 85%+ on all my Uni final exams. I did sit through lectures, because they were mandatory, but I rarely paid attention, and my verbal recall is terrible compared to what I see written down. I didn’t take a single note in university though, because usually between the textbook and the slides I had everything I needed.