Bento is something you’d typically prepare at home. That meal is elaborate because they made it so.
Best Food
Submitted 5 weeks ago by to
Comments 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
That’s the culture, though. Most student bring a lunch from home even throughout middle and high school.
What schools offer for students that don’t are usually bread items - sandwiches or pita-like items with various food stuffed inside (noodles, custard, curry, pork cutlets…) They’re usually big and on par with what Japanese convenience stores sell… which is far better than convenience store food in any other country. 5 weeks ago
7/11 food in Japan was insanely good when I was there a year ago. And it looked like they would put fresh food out every couple of hours. 5 weeks ago
i find it cute that making someone bento is often a traditional part of courtship in anime. i hope they also do this IRL, because it’s very wholesome. 5 weeks ago
That “pizza” is not even an exaggeration in the us 5 weeks ago
That is because they give food to children in Japan. 5 weeks ago
Translation: “Let us eat”, or more accurately, “I humbly accept [the meal]”. 5 weeks ago
No, that’s vs American school food. Occasionally the Internet will have cultural exchanges where students from various countries show off their lunches and American lunches always take last and just show how little we care about students or nutrition.