- Comment on Study uncovers earliest evidence of pre-historic transport 3 days ago:
It’s terrifying how much information is coming from White Sands national Park. A park surrounded by military testing areas. All these records so easily could have been destroyed not only accidental destruction but also purposefully by bomb or missile testing
- Comment on Wonder Woman Game is "Years Away From Release" As Warner Bros. Gaming Division Struggles 3 weeks ago:
I thought it was supposed to have the nemesis system from Shadow of Mordor and I am excited for that to return. Wonder woman takes down Cheetah only for her to return later with a new scar and upgrade based on how you beat her last
- Comment on Best Food 4 weeks ago:
No, that’s vs American school food. Occasionally the Internet will have cultural exchanges where students from various countries show off their lunches and American lunches always take last and just show how little we care about students or nutrition.
- Comment on ... 4 months ago:
Plus publish or perish is real thing
- Comment on What letter has the best games? 5 months ago:
Exactly what I was going to put.
- Comment on Several States Refuse To Remove RFK Jr.'s Name From Ballots, Hurting Trump 5 months ago:
Like saying he wasn’t a war hero since he got captured? Which is still better than dying since only “losers” and “suckers” get killed in war.
- Comment on Why are people downvoting the MediaBiasFactChecker not? 6 months ago:
That last part is the biggest annoyance for me. Gives me false hope a conversation has started
- Comment on Why I Lost Faith in Kagi 10 months ago:
Click baity stuff? The dude wrote an opinion piece that was only seen by like fifteen people and only meant to be directly linked to folks they engaged with so they wouldn’t have to repeat their reasons for no longer using kagi but then the CEO obsessed over them and Streisand effected it.
- Comment on Tlaib refuses to condemn "Death to America" chants 10 months ago:
Clearly Fox is the deranged lunatic. A random entertainment program yelling questions at you doesn’t deserve a response
- Comment on Tlaib refuses to condemn "Death to America" chants 10 months ago:
People ignore the rantings of a deranged lunatic on the street and aren’t blamed for not responding to those rantings. This is basically that.
- Comment on Not hiding it 11 months ago:
The active phase? So we are gonna ignore the Nakba and the entire history of occupation and apartheid?
- Comment on Not hiding it 11 months ago:
Ah yes. We must promote the case of the small number of settler colonizers who are bed ridden to negate the overall colonizers in an apartheid state from having to do anything
- Comment on Not hiding it 11 months ago:
70 percent were born in Israel. So thirty percent likely still have citizenship or could remain citizenship from their native land. The rest are mostly second or third generation so depending on ancestry many could claim citizenship by descent.
- Comment on Not hiding it 11 months ago:
Why not? Most have access to citizenship from their original countries? Plus the extreme orthodox just threatened to all leave if they get included in the draft
- Comment on Some map gamers think they can conquer the world 1 year ago:
Sounds more like crusader kings than EU
- Comment on Here's what a random person on the internet thought of Lords Of The Realm 2 1 year ago:
I only had the demo as a child but replayed that endlessly. I miss the solid demos of the 90s. Like Age of Empires one had a whole campaign as a demo. Fucking glorious Hittites.
- Comment on What game did you find in a bargain bin that turned out to be awesome? For me it was Z by Bitmap Brothers which I got at Zellers for $0.47 1 year ago:
Age of Empires 2 when a Kmart was closing down back in like 2001.
- Comment on Let's be honest, does anyone actually like it? 1 year ago:
It’s my favorite for that very reason. I find myself more immersed in the world when aliens look alien. Humans with minor cranial differences just don’t do it for me.
- Comment on What game feels 'timeless' to you? 1 year ago:
Something about 3 never clicked with me while I still play the second one all the time.