In short:
Dozens of people across Australia have shared their experiences of vitamin B6 toxicity with 7.30.
Terri-Lynne South, a GP and dietitian, says the number of cases is likely to be under-reported.
What's next:
The TGA says it is considering a proposal to tighten regulations, including changes to where and how B6 vitamins are sold.
I’m waiting for someone to do the same for the “All-Natural” stevia; in almost all “Sugar Free” and “No Sugar” products that aren’t still using Aspartame or Sucralose.
As bad as Sugar is for us, (and as terrible as Fructose is for us), I am confident that Stevia is worse. 4 weeks ago
You can put B6 in the headline. 4 weeks ago
Yeah, with ABC articles the last couple of years, generally the headline that appears on the page itself is far better than the sharing metadata headline.