- Comment on Australia spends $714 per person on roads every year – but just 90 cents goes to walking, wheeling and cycling 3 weeks ago:
Get back to Earth, mate, we’re talking about today’s Australia. It will, for the foreseeable future, be run by cars and trucks. As I mentioned initially, bicycles are a hobby, not an essential. And so far, you haven’t provided any arguments to prove I’m wrong. So, the expectation that spending money on a hobby for a small minority, as opposed to something essential for the majority, is somehow justified, sounds strange to me
- Comment on Australia spends $714 per person on roads every year – but just 90 cents goes to walking, wheeling and cycling 3 weeks ago:
When did I say that nobody rides? I just find it ridiculous to compare expenses on non-essential infrastructure with essential infrastructure. Non-essential infrastructure deserves only a small percentage of funding. If we were talking about something like playgrounds or bicycle paths, it would be a different story. Both are non-essential, but both make cities better. So, it becomes a matter of discussion as to which should receive more investment.
I’m not sure why you mentioned, ‘All the data shows that the number one indicator of cycling rates is the quality of infrastructure.’ It’s obvious, but it doesn’t explain why we should spend more on cycling paths."
- Comment on What do people use for a shelf-stable backup 3 weeks ago:
If you need something which can withstand some bitrot on single drive, just use par2. As long is filesystem is readable, you can recover files even if bit of data get corrupted
- Comment on I've set up docker services behind nginx proxy manager so they're accessible with https, but the http services are still open. How do I close them? 3 weeks ago:
It means you published 8080. Just stop doing it. nginx can reach that container via internal network (assuming they are on same network). Publishing docker-compose would help.
- Comment on Australia spends $714 per person on roads every year – but just 90 cents goes to walking, wheeling and cycling 3 weeks ago:
Any arguments? Discussion needs some, otherwise it just tossing shit to each other. Completely pointless, and harms both sides.
- Comment on Australia spends $714 per person on roads every year – but just 90 cents goes to walking, wheeling and cycling 3 weeks ago:
Roman example is just not applicable, we are in 21th century now.
“Cars and trucks are a modern convenience, that is all”. Do you really see that modern economy can function without cars and trucks? No, this is why we have to live with all their drawbacks,costs and dangers. There is simple no alternatives.
“I can get everywhere by bike, train or bus. No need for a car. I have one, but by your reasoning, my car to me is just a hobby.” And what made that possible, truck and cars. When you ride your bike to shop to buy a milk, how that milk get there ? By truck.
“And what about those who cannot drive, be it for age, medical reasons, lack of income to afford a car etc?” and what about those who can’t ride?
- Comment on What do people use for a shelf-stable backup 3 weeks ago:
Just a hdd in usb caddy? IMHO good enough for 4 tier backup.
- Comment on What is everyone using as a HTPC? 3 weeks ago:
just a normal PC? Streaming should work in a browser.
- Comment on Australia spends $714 per person on roads every year – but just 90 cents goes to walking, wheeling and cycling 3 weeks ago:
Bicycles are not essential. Get rid of bicycles and nothing will happen, get rid of the trucks and cars and everything stops. It is people choice to use them, not necessity. Which is a definition of a hobby.
- Comment on Australia spends $714 per person on roads every year – but just 90 cents goes to walking, wheeling and cycling 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Australia spends $714 per person on roads every year – but just 90 cents goes to walking, wheeling and cycling 3 weeks ago:
It just reflect usefulness of each applications. You needs trucks but bicycle is just a hobby. Walking just do not need much infra at all.
- Comment on Video Ezy cards, 'decimated' money in 30yo wallet fished from river 4 weeks ago:
This is interesting story. When did Australia got plastic banknotes? Current one should last forever.
- Comment on What do you use for notes? 4 weeks ago:
Just a folder + syncthing. no extra infra is necessary + easy to backup.
- Comment on The synthetic vitamin leaving several Australians with major health issues 4 weeks ago:
Already done, look for research about Type 2 diabetes and sweeteners. Sugar is better.
- Comment on Australia’s social media ban for kids under 16 just became law. How it will work remains a mystery 2 months ago:
main reason for it - no anonymous account on social media for_everyone_. It just another surveillance imposing law.
- Comment on Australia’s social media ban for kids under 16 just became law. How it will work remains a mystery 2 months ago:
main reason for it - no anonymous account on social media for_everyone_. It just another surveillance imposing law.
- Comment on New car buyers driven to white or grey, with bright colours rarer than ever, data shows 4 months ago:
As owner of dark green car I can say, do not buy this color, it is bloody stealth car. No one see you on the road. Have to drive with light on all the time. I guess only grey is worse that it.
- Comment on How do you use only ipv6 server? 4 months ago:
I guess HE is still providing free IPv6 via IPv4 tunnels.
- Comment on Do you selfhost your own blog/website? 4 months ago:
Biggest problem will be BW and latency to your lab from the Internet. I would use dedicated hardware and subnet for it. Security wise, if you can make your site 100% static it will help a lot with security. I’m personally set on AWS S3 + CloudFlare combo with static site generator running in my lab. Yes it is not really “self hosted” but worries free solution for me.
- Comment on Australian families switching to cycling as car-running costs rise - ABC News 4 months ago:
Just imaging how much pollution this bikes on road generates, it would be way better if they continue driving.
- Comment on What are good harddrives to use with serves 5 months ago:
ZFS or BTRF mirror will know which side is at fault due to checksums. I’m more concern about simultaneous falures of two disks. Rebuilding of a RAID puts lots of pressure on remaining disks, so probability that remaining one dies too is much higher. with RAID6 3 disks need to die to lost date, which is less likely but not impossible.
- Comment on What are good harddrives to use with serves 5 months ago:
I would not trust these kind of dives in the mirror. IMHO RAID6 is the only way.
- Comment on Data HDD with SSD catch drive 5 months ago:
ZFS ZIL will not help in this case.
- Comment on Tailscale blocked on hotel wifi 6 months ago:
Usually it can be solved by talking to hotel stuff. you are paying for that service and can expect it be suitable for any legal use.
- Comment on Fisherman slapped across face by whale's tail at Tweed Heads 6 months ago:
trouts are for Englishman. Aussie prefer whales.
- Comment on AMD won't patch all chips affected by severe data theft vulnerability — Ryzen 3000, 2000, and 1000 will not get patched for 'Sinkclose' 6 months ago:
3600 was released in 2019. And it they was making it for at least 2 years.
- Comment on AMD won't patch all chips affected by severe data theft vulnerability — Ryzen 3000, 2000, and 1000 will not get patched for 'Sinkclose' 6 months ago:
You need to be a root to exploit it, but if it get exploited any way to get rid of it is to throw MB to trash.
- AMD won't patch all chips affected by severe data theft vulnerability — Ryzen 3000, 2000, and 1000 will not get patched for 'Sinkclose' ↗Submitted 6 months ago to | 166 comments
- Comment on Join, make it easy to bring Australian redditors to the Fediverse? 6 months ago:
FIDO net. A worldwide hobbyist network providing email and USENET like services. It was very geeky place with high barrier to entry.
- Comment on Join, make it easy to bring Australian redditors to the Fediverse? 6 months ago:
Lemmy reminds me FIDO of old by this. Collective of elitist geeks.