The idea of a community with the Gadsden flag celebrating an attempt to restrict right is as hilarious to me as ever
Pro-Life Texans Gather In Austin To Rally Against Abortion | News Radio 1200 WOAI | San Antonio's First News
Submitted 5 weeks ago by to
Comments 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
As a Gadsden flag enjoyer I find that most people that fly the flag have no fucking clue what it actually means.
The one that always cracks me up is the Gadsden flown alongside a thin blue line flag.
Motherfuckers who do you think the government is gonna fetch when it’s time to start treading?? 5 weeks ago
And they’re all catholic-school teens, a group well known for its critical thinking skills… 4 weeks ago
Some would say they have been groomed their whole life. 4 weeks ago
Ah yes. The state that has no problem in self defense, as long as it involves guns, not doctors. 5 weeks ago
What are they doing advocate that pregnent women don’t murder their children? 5 weeks ago
Murdering your own children has been illegal forever. It’s women’s healthcare that classic religious terrorists, and modern Republican fascist terrorists, are trying to make illegal now. 5 weeks ago
You don’t know the meaning of fascism. You are the kind if oersin that you are trying to insult.
You want to make legal for a pregnent woman to ask someone to murder her child while she is still pregnant. 5 weeks ago
If only they were pro life, but we know they aren’t.