- Comment on Is it a pattern that every time a movie, show or animation that doesn't have a white person as the protagonist is attacked by right-wingers? 2 hours ago:
Every single right leaning person I know LOVES several movies and shows that have main characters that aren’t white men.
The boondocks, blade series, basically anything Morgan Freeman or Samuel L Jackson have done, Lando, Morpheus and uncle Phil off the top of my head.
I am aware there are the super racist far right guys that probably can’t even watch Scooby Doo because the dog is brown, but the grand majority of “right wing” people aren’t white supremacists that lose their shit if a character isn’t white in their movies and shows. Even if that’s what some people here might tell you is the case.
- Comment on Do you also feel cringe about people making such a big deal about ethnicity? 2 hours ago:
Even if we all had the exact same skin tone there woulda still be racists. They would just move onto hair color or eye color or nose width. Some people just have hate in their hearts and they will use any physical differences to lump people together.
Personally I’m with Morgan Freeman on the topic. Just stop talking about it. Stop talking about race. We are all humans. We all got struggles. Let’s all get along as humans and work together.
- Comment on Is it irrational for me to hate and despise every single American at this point? 1 day ago:
- Comment on Is it irrational for me to hate and despise every single American at this point? 1 day ago:
Americans aren’t a homogenous group. In fact I would say we are probably one of the most diverse groups of people in the world. It’s kinda our strong suit.
To answer your question more directly: yes. It is irrational to hate and despise every American at this point.
The line of thinking you’re showing at the end there is very dangerous. I would advise that you take a step back and think about why it could be problematic to apply that sort of logic.
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 2 days ago:
Oh it’s that easy? I figured it was gonna require some one handed cartwheels or spells at a minimum.
I’ll probably do that after work then.
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 2 days ago:
I don’t even know how to switch instances tbh.
I’ll look into switching later at some point.
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 2 days ago:
I’m not a conservative but I would love to see people with opinions other than comically far left have somewhere to call home.
I joined world because I didn’t really know what Lemmy was and I was just “trying it out” after I got banned from all of reddit across all my accounts (they never told me why and instantly denied my appeal).
- Comment on I find it funny that American republicans seem to want a king, when the definition of republicanism is a government without a king. 2 days ago:
I didn’t Vote for Trump and I am not a Republican.
I declared none of those things. I simply do not care for “guilty by association” type thinking.
Taking your asinine line of thinking to an extreme shouldn’t California all be considered Republicans since they haven’t forced all the Republicans (the most of any state) to move out of state yet?
The only rancid thing I’ve seen around here is the festering pit where your brain should be.
- Comment on I find it funny that American republicans seem to want a king, when the definition of republicanism is a government without a king. 2 days ago:
I mean… Yes his supporters are all Republicans, but not all Republicans are his supporters.
You know how many of y’all voted for Biden and then Kamala even though you didn’t really like them? The other side is capable of doing the exact same thing.
- Comment on I find it funny that American republicans seem to want a king, when the definition of republicanism is a government without a king. 2 days ago:
I’m currently sitting in a room full of far left people. Doesn’t make me far left.
It’s almost as though people are individuals or something.
- Comment on I find it funny that American republicans seem to want a king, when the definition of republicanism is a government without a king. 2 days ago:
This is what spending all your time in an echo chamber does to a motherfucker lol.
- Comment on I find it funny that American republicans seem to want a king, when the definition of republicanism is a government without a king. 2 days ago:
Just blatantly incorrect, but I’m not gonna try and convince you otherwise. It would clearly be a waste of my time.
- Comment on I find it funny that American republicans seem to want a king, when the definition of republicanism is a government without a king. 2 days ago:
The Trump worshippers do not represent “the Republicans”. They represent Trump worshippers.
The only two groups I have heard say anything about wanting a “king” have been the brain damaged Trump cult and the far left people that keep (incorrectly) assuming that is how all Republicans and conservatives think as well.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 days ago:
Leatherman tools are great for camping or the odd specific job around the house.
They are not good self defense tools.
By the time you’ve pulled it out of its little holster thing and opened the blade you’ll already be shot or stabbed by someone who didn’t bring a rubucs cube to a readily available tool fight.
- Comment on Working below minimum wage to save the planet 6 days ago:
I just like fixin stuff. It’s why I got a 3d printer and I’m learning CAD.
I would rather spend 8 hours banging my head against a wall than spend 10 dollars on Amazon to order a replacement part lol
- Comment on The internet is bad ux, everybody. There's too many choices. 6 days ago:
Tor here I come! Haha
- Comment on If I'm at threat to lose my job because I never shut up about politics free speech means nothing to me. 6 days ago:
Yeah my agenda is keeping my fuckin job you goof.
- Comment on If I'm at threat to lose my job because I never shut up about politics free speech means nothing to me. 1 week ago:
God damn who pissed in your Cheerios? Listen I am all for freedom of speech. I believe it is unbelievably important to maintain a free society.
When you are at work unless your job is to shout about politics you should probably shut the fuck up. The people paying your paycheck do not wanna hear that shit and even if they do your coworkers might not.
There is a time and place.
- Comment on Be the change you want to see in Lemmy 1 week ago:
That still doesn’t address the fact that not all instances are created equal. And it’s not immediately apparent which instances block others.
- Comment on Be the change you want to see in Lemmy 1 week ago:
You make a good point. The key difference is that some instances block other instances (or at least that has been my understanding of how Lemmy works from my limited time here). So depending on where they sign up they might not even be able to access certain subs.
Plus the “duplicate” subs on reddit tend to be one of two reasons. The original moderators let the sub die or enough people didn’t get along with how the original sub was being moderated and they left to make their own copy. It’s pretty rare that there are two identical subs that have equal engagement.
- Comment on Be the change you want to see in Lemmy 1 week ago:
As someone who is “stuck” here after being permabanned on all accounts on reddit I can say that the number one “issue” Lemmy has is also the greatest part about Lemmy. The fact that every instance can have its own copy of the “same” sub.
I completely understand why someone coming from reddit is going to search up “ask” and they will see a few ask Lemmy subs coming up. At a glance they won’t know which one is “better” and why there are multiple.
Sadly most people will turn around and leave at that point. The average internet user will just go somewhere else the moment they feel lost or confused by anything. The few that might stick through it and make a post asking why there are multiple instances of the same type of sub are likely to be spoken down to by a bunch of condescending nerds that feel superior to outsider idiots. I know that many of you are very kind and welcoming, but enough of the user base are elitist pricks about everything that new users will notice immediately.
Lemmy can’t seem to decide if they want to grow or if they want to gate keep. I think the reality is that as more people are blanket banned from reddit without any reason such as myself that people will keep slowly trickling in.
The only “change” I think Lemmy needs is its user feedback. I have been banned from so many subs for completely unrelated things and without going and looking up the mod logs for my own name I wouldnt have any clue whatsoever. I would just think that Lemmy was broken constantly since it just gives you submitting errors instead of telling you that you have been banned or anything.
The “automod” messages are basically useless as they don’t tell you what rule you broke, which comment it was specifically or who actually initiated the ban. I know they aren’t always actually “automatic” bans because I have gotten messages from automod for comments I left weeks ago. So either they are the slowest and least attentive bots on planet earth or the mods of those subs are using the automod to hide behind as a layer of anonymity.
- Comment on Reddit Blames Google Algorithm Changes For Not Hitting User Growth. 1 week ago:
That seems like a lot more work that it’s worth lol
- Comment on Most of Lemmy right now 1 week ago:
That plan was started months and months ago under the Biden administration. You think government contracts for that kinda thing are handed out in a few weeks? Lol
- Comment on Nature is healing 1 week ago:
It’s been interesting as someone in the middle. My left leaning friends and family are all panicking like it’s the end of the world. My right leaning friends are the happiest I have seen them in years.
The part I don’t enjoy is when I say things that I do like about what’s going on I am called a Nazi/fascist ( or whatever other words the left feels like driving into the ground until it’s meaning has been completely lost) immediately by people on the left.
When I point out things I don’t like about what’s going on the people on the right have varying responses ranging from “too bad so sad” to " yeah I agree I am not a fan of how it’s being done, but I still think it’s a net positive".
If you’re wondering how the Democrats lost that’s just one tiny example of the larger issue.
- Comment on My Deep Thoughts 1 week ago:
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 1 week ago:
You make good points. I agree.
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 1 week ago:
Yeah and I completely agree with you, but look at the comments in this thread. So many people are coming off as elitists “why should we make things easier for stupid idiots we hate?”.
Seems that many users here don’t actually want anyone else joining unless they meet their arbitrary standards for intelligence or whatever.
- Comment on Reddit Blames Google Algorithm Changes For Not Hitting User Growth. 1 week ago:
Well sucks for them I guess. Maybe they shouldn’t have banned a contributing user for no apparent reason.
Oh well. Couldn’t have happened to a worse website.
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 1 week ago:
I don’t know if I would say itll “go away” with time. More like it will get diluted over time as more people join with varying stances on things.
See I am smarter and better than you so I know this to be the truth.
- Comment on Reddit Blames Google Algorithm Changes For Not Hitting User Growth. 1 week ago:
Is that why my multiple accounts with hundreds of thousands of karma were all nuked simultaneously and I was never told why?
Fuckin AI nuked my shit?
I tried to appeal but it was instantly denied and even though I asked what rule they are claiming I broke I still got no answers.
Fuckin AI…