This is a problem created by the suppliers who have kept jacking up prices. What else are people going to do? And the last few years they’ve upped the daily connection fee so you have to pay them regardless if you use energy or not.
Privatization was a huge mistake… thanks LNP. 3 months ago
Interesting how it’s phrased as a bad thing. Article was probably sponsored by Big Coal. 3 months ago
Unfortunately it is a problem that needs solving. Electricity needs to be used as it is produced and if its not, it will be a problem. Where i live, the de facto solution today is to heat the oceans. That’s not a viable long term solution and why we urgently need to find a way to store energy! 3 months ago
While that is true for power plants with spinning turbines, it isn’t true for solar power. There is no issue at all when you don’t consume all the energy that a solar panel could produce. 3 months ago
Can solar panels not be turned off? I see panels that aren’t plugged into anything and they don’t exactly blow up. Can’t they just be turned off when storage reaches a certain capacity? 3 months ago
There’s solutions that are kinda okay. For example, hot climates molten salt battery farms are becoming viable, and a big one is now in Australia. We need more battery farms, preferably not made it of lithium or other heavy metals that overheat and blow up. Molten salt batteries don’t explode and last a long time, but need to be several hundred degrees to work and are insulated to keep heat in. If they fail they just cool down. If the place shuts down and cools off then they just need to heat them back up and are back in business.
Part of the solution to that is to use waste heat. If they incorporated them into existing power plants, factories, data centers, etc. then that waste heat is put to good use. 3 months ago
New V2G will help, take it up through the day,. some discharge at night.
And this could be actioned
……/if-our-hot-water-heaters-ran-off-daytim… 3 months ago