- Comment on Australia spends $714 per person on roads every year – but just 90 cents goes to walking, wheeling and cycling 4 weeks ago:
Can be fairly sure they are in the USA.
To grossly simplify a very expansive topic of concrete vs asphalt, vs bitumen…
Concrete = more upfront cost, slower to built. It is more durable. Costs more to repair. Less traction. More noisy to drive on due to joints.
Bitumen = cheapest up front to build. Less durable, but can still get a fairly good life out of it if designed to meet expected loads. Can be repaired more cheaply.
Asphalt. Middle ground between the two. (It’s effectively bitumen with cement binder added) Most of our freeways, major arterial roads here are asphalt.
Things that effect the choice: Different CAPEX vs OPEX strategies, especially with politics for public roads.
Local availability of materials.
Local environmental conditions i.e. freeze / thaw cycles we don’t have to deal with in most of Australia. High temperatures we do get, which does effect bitumen.
Fair to say that costs in one country for different labour and materials look a bit different too.
- Comment on Australia spends $714 per person on roads every year – but just 90 cents goes to walking, wheeling and cycling 4 weeks ago:
Guessing you are not from Australia and have never been here. Thick concrete and rebar are not typically how we construct our roads. The vast majority use flexible pavement.
- Comment on LA is on fire. How will Australia cope when bushfires hit Sydney, Melbourne or another major city? 1 month ago:
We use the outer suburbs as a fire break. No trees left to burn there. Just roof and road.
- Comment on What time can you mow the lawn on a Sunday? Here's a state-by-state breakdown of weekend noise restrictions 2 months ago:
What if my lawn mower is battery electric?
- Comment on Do you reckon a choice subscription is worth it before making more expensive purchases? 2 months ago:
A friend shared their account with me. Whilst their reviews focus on how a product is when new, it does not really do long term reviews of how they hold up over time. Which for bigger purchases is also just as important.
- Comment on Double demerits begin now within NSW/ACT/WA (for 11+ days) 2 months ago:
Drove from Perth to Albany yesterday. No evidence that anyone cares about double demerits.
The usual experience of course. That is people doing 80 around corners / up hills in the 110 zone, that speed up to 120+ in the overtaking lanes. Including several double trucks.
I tend to take my chances and fly past them in the overtaking lane regardless whilst hoping there isn’t a police car around.
- Comment on So… Australia Just Banned Kids From the Internet 2 months ago:
They also banned adults from big social media who don’t want to comply with what ever data harvesting / govt spying mandate that will be implemented.
- Comment on What do you want for Christmas? 2 months ago:
Fancy olive oil. Hell even regular stuff costs fancy prices these days.
Gourmet pickles, sauces etc. Not stuff that you find in supermarkets though.
Wide brimmed hat.
- Comment on What do you want for Christmas? 2 months ago:
Damn I wish I had asked for one of these!
- Comment on Laws to regulate misinformation online abandoned, gambling advertising ban pushed to next year 3 months ago:
Not even our first rodeo. Both of our major parties are abhorrent on digital rights.
- Comment on Woolworths and Coles are emphasising the threat of Aldi — is it really a competitive force to be reckoned with? 3 months ago:
Yes! Another great point. I have a very high success rate with aldi self serve checkouts. Coles ones frequently have issues resulting in waiting for the attendant.
- Comment on Woolworths and Coles are emphasising the threat of Aldi — is it really a competitive force to be reckoned with? 3 months ago:
Another thing I like about aldi is it doesn’t have inane music and ads blasting at you over a P.A. If I go there when it’s not peak time it’s nearly silent which makes shopping feel very peaceful and makes me want to spend longer in the place.
Also much faster to navigate than colesworth due to less aisles of stuff I mostly have no interest in.
- Comment on Australia struggling with oversupply of solar power 3 months ago:
Depends on the state. I don’t think they vary by much though. In W.A. I paid 28.7 cents per kWh. Plus a daily supply charge of 102 cents per day.
Have also had a few hundred dollarbucks worth of credits this year from the state government.
- Submitted 3 months ago to australia@aussie.zone | 9 comments
- Comment on Who was our worst Prime Minister and why? Any notable state leaders we need to add? 3 months ago:
I agree he absolutely did do the right thing on gun control.
- Comment on Who was our worst Prime Minister and why? Any notable state leaders we need to add? 3 months ago:
I guess that’s why I really dislike him. I don’t want Australia to be so unequal. A good leader would have attempted to bring people together. Instead he drove as many wedges through society as he could, both economically and socially.
No question people who already owned real estate did very well under Howard.
IMO Howard changed our society from being one of mate-ship and egalitarian values to the current “fuck you, got mine” society we have. Ironically whilst giving speeches to the media about “Australian values” including mate ship. Agree it’s hard to say if he caused it, or just reflected society at large.
- Comment on Australians who think inequality is high have less faith in democratic institutions, study finds 3 months ago:
I wonder why they focused on income distribution rather than wealth distribution?
I would have thought that inequality in accumulated wealth is the bigger issue. How many times the median income would one need to earn to “catch up” to some one on median income who inherited their parents property?
IMO our society is stratifying in to those who own vs those who will never own their own home.
- Comment on Who was our worst Prime Minister and why? Any notable state leaders we need to add? 3 months ago:
I think Norway’s has legislation around the percent that can be used now vs what has to be reserved for future generations. Although I agree with the sentiment that the calibre of politicians we elect couldn’t be trusted to think beyond one election cycle.
- Comment on Who was our worst Prime Minister and why? Any notable state leaders we need to add? 3 months ago:
For me it was Howard. He was really effective at furthering many neo liberal economic policies to fuck over anyone not born in to wealth.
He brought in the capital gains tax discount for real estate which when combined with the existing negative gearing policy was/is a major contributor driving investors to real estate thus making property become unaffordable. Not to mention it’s just so unfair inequitable. Why the fuck should a person who buys existing houses pay less tax on money gained from that than someone who actually produces something of value does on their income?
He was the political equivalent of the FIFO miner spending all his cash on a Malloo, jet ski and glass BBQ party. Howard pissed the early - mid 2000s mining boom proceeds up the wall on middle class welfare. Instead we could have had a future fund like Norway. To be fair every politician we have had since has either been too corrupt or scared to attempt anything like that.
Howard also realised he could fuck over unions by bringing in masses of extra workers via record immigration in order to lower wages. (Added Bonus this increased demand on real estate too) He won’t be remembered for that on immigration, instead he will be remembered for his “boat people” rhetoric. It was like a magicians distraction, look at these bad immigrants, meanwhile opening the floodgate for “good” immigrants.
He sold telecom setting our internet tech back at least a decade.
He dragged us in to the middle east wars like a good little lapdog for George dubbya.
He started the erosion of Medicare to please his private health fund donors.
As a millennial, not born in to 1% wealth, Howard and the liberal parties message to me has always been “go fuck yourself”. I will never put liberal anywhere but the bottom of the ballot.
- Comment on Customers suddenly find their new phones can't make calls or send texts 4 months ago:
Anyone know why this bullshit is being allowed by govt?
How did voice over LTE end up needing carrier software approval on top of having the right hardware?
Is this telcos writing legislation for yet another ignorant communications minister?
All I see is limited consumer choice, generation of completely unnecessary e-waste and a giant “fuck off” sign to international tourists.
- Submitted 4 months ago to australia@aussie.zone | 18 comments
- Comment on BYD’s hybrid EV ute that could rival Australia’s bestselling vehicles goes on sale 4 months ago:
Australians expect to be able to punish their vehicles over harsh terrain and have it come back in one piece.
Oh please. The most off road the majority of dual cabs get is mounting kerbs in a drive through.
- Comment on Sydney to Melbourne High Speed Rail Investigation | Australian HSR 4 months ago:
I would rather spend more time sitting on a train than I would navigating air ports with their security theatre.
Even 2h on a train vs 1h of air port and plane bullshit would be preferred.
- Comment on New data reveals thousands of Australians who own 10 rentals or more 4 months ago:
I don’t think banning is necessary.
Instead we could start by getting rid of John Howard’s capital gains tax discounts on properties. That alone massively distorts where investment dollars go in this country. Of all the fucked things about real estate that has to be the one that is most unfair. Why the hell should you pay less tax on speculating existing property than you do when you work on something that actually produces value?
If that didn’t correct things enough there are more things that could be done: banning ownership by non citizens, replacing stamp duty with annual land tax, incentives to discourage land banking, realistic population targets, and dare I say it; limiting negative gearing to new builds only.
- Comment on More wealth in fewer hands — the great housing rort 4 months ago:
I reckon it would change when renters start to outnumber owners.
Which is part of the reason for first home buyers grants, stamp duty discounts etc, to funnel more people in to owning. The other being it is a great way to hand tax dollars to established real estate owners.
- Comment on Australian Border Force searched phones of 10,000 travellers in past two years, data shows 8 months ago:
I wonder what their reaction would be if you are running Graphene OS and you gave them the duress PIN.
- Comment on Draining entire superannuation savings wouldn’t cover most young couples’ home deposits, research finds 11 months ago:
We know the liberal party have been itching to do this for a while now. Scummo mentioned it in the last days before the election.
No doubt it’s happening next time the liberal party gets in.
As if it isn’t enough that they transfer tax dollars to established real estate owners, they will transfer super balances to them as well.
- Comment on Australia’s population is almost 27 million – and growing at a 70-year high 11 months ago:
I’m not sure the families living in tents and cars will agree with you.
- Comment on Australia’s population is almost 27 million – and growing at a 70-year high 11 months ago:
Perhaps you aren’t aware that we have a housing crisis in Australia.
Record low rental vacancies. Housing is too expensive and scarce for people on median incomes.
The people we import typically have enough money to displace those who don’t. Those who don’t end up homeless. Our politicians don’t give a fuck as many own multiple investment properties.
- Comment on Australia’s population is almost 27 million – and growing at a 70-year high 11 months ago:
Excellent news for the economy, and by the economy I mean “rich people’s yachts”