torturelini spookghetti penne arra-bat-a Pizza Morguerita
and you can serve Vampolicella or Mortepulciano
Submitted 3 months ago by to [deleted]
torturelini spookghetti penne arra-bat-a Pizza Morguerita
and you can serve Vampolicella or Mortepulciano
veal pick-axe-a?
spaghouli and human balls
chicken marsaaaaaaaawe’reallgoingtodiela
wow, yeah i mean, the terrible ones really write themselves.
I’m not sure if human balls would be particularly appetizing
clearly you haven’t dated enough good ladies then.
Where is this restaurant and how do I book a table?
you don’t book a table.
you BOOOOOOoooOoOOk a table.
it’s not a restaurant it’s a restahhhhhhhhomghowlongdoesthisjokelaasttruelythisishellomgkillmerant
Man, this is the only explanation for the closure of the lone Italian place in town a while back.
No Italian restaurants exist in a 50 mile radius.
Town’s haunted now.
Zpoopa del giOHNO
Could also serve casu martzu. No name change needed, it’s scary enough as-is. 3 months ago
You can tell how they own an american restaurant instead of an italian one because they serve fettuccine alfredo and garlic bread. 3 months ago
There’s an excellent episode of the Sopranos where they end up going to Italy. And even though their whole personality is “Italian” they find that they have nothing in common with actual Italians. That show is a masterpiece. 3 months ago
No they serve fettuccine afraido and garlic dread can’t you read