Soul Calibur House Of The Dead 2 with the light gun Dynamite Cop
loved mine should never have sold it they werexeons ahead of their time way more advanced graphically and the internet play I never could try uneconicay viable had they hung on and survived nad the online side took off they’d probably be king at this point and pumping out new true next gen console hardware instead of Android and IOS apps and re-boot mini consoles of the original megadrive and so on. Damn shame they flopped but I loved mine had it a a week after release day I think 1999 5 months ago
Wildly ahead of its time, deserved so much better. The memory stick being like a tamagotchi, that’s an amazing idea. I could never figure out how to make it work but raising the Chao from Sonic Adventure, so much unrealised potential. 5 months ago
There was a prototype VMU MP3 player in the works before the Dreamcast was discontinued, alongside a music store.
Sega also produced a digital camera for the Dreamcast, the DreamEye.
The tech world could have looked very different if the Dreamcast went differently for Sega.