The offer, which Ware describes as for “a buyout of any future royalties from the game”, was allegedly for $7500
Submitted 5 months ago by [bot] to
The offer, which Ware describes as for “a buyout of any future royalties from the game”, was allegedly for $7500
In another post it was said that $7500 per member was offered, totaling to $22500.
Which is still not a lot for giving up all future royalties, but their counter offer of 10x that ($225’000 in total) is a little much in my opinion as well.
But I’m still glad they spoke out, this way a more open discussion can happen about this topic.
For selling out all future royalties for a game in as huge and popular a franchise as GTA? Yeah, i think that counter offer is pretty fair actually
They swing low you swing back high and maybe find somewhere in the middle. 5 months ago
Am I the only one who already won’t be buying GTA VI? I’ve seen what they did with V, and VI looks to be more of the same. Pay full price for the game, then pay to win.
Fuck off Rockstar. 5 months ago
If there is a large, well made single player campaign then I couldn’t care less about whether the multiplayer is pay to win. The last one was really fun, and I hope this upcoming one is the same. 5 months ago
Only one GTA game has had an online component. Every GTA game since 3 has been a best-in-class, genre/generation-defining singleplayer experience.
You pay for the singleplayer. The online bit is just gravy. Some people like said gravy enough to fund the development of Rockstar’s next game. I see nothing wrong with this. 5 months ago
GTA IV and GTA V both went online. GTA V made online the core component of it’s game. So much so, that they innitially considered GTA Online to be a seperate game included with GTA V.
GTA V has recieved COUNTLESS dlc to the online portion. I’m unaware of ANY single player dlc released beyond the pre-order bonuses. This shows you where Rockstar’s priorities lay. They have made more money via shark cards, many times over, than they ever did with the sale of the game itself.
At least Rocket League had the decency to understand they made more money off DLC sales and made the game free. And to my knowledge those DLCs aren’t even performance changing. It’s just stuff like “here’s a topper for your car liscensed from a popular tv show or movie”