- Comment on Suddenly I'm not allowed to do something I've been doing professionally for 18 months now. Is this something that benefits me? 5 days ago:
No idea about your specific legal posthorn, as it heavily depends on where on earth you are.
But what sprang immediately to my mind is that it sounds highly illegal if the manager is indeed right. So regarding the “benefiting you”: have a talk with your old manager about somebody telling the control instances of your profession or maybe they could help making the transition easier for you…
- Comment on The borders are just WIDE OPEN though!!11!! 1 week ago:
I’m not so well versed in American media to answer your question which left leaning media would be acceptable for lemmings.
BUT the Washington post is really a bad example. Just a few days ago the billionaire owner himself published his decision to focus on defense of ‘free market’ and ‘personal liberty’ in the opinion section. And let’s not kid ourselves that he isn’t deciding the direction of the rest of the news paper, that’s the only reason why you buy one.
- Comment on This community in a nutshell 1 week ago:
You won’t fit through the bars after eating that fat fish though!
- Comment on Mid games review: American McGee's Alice (2000) and Alice: Madness Returns (2011) PS3 2 weeks ago:
Ragnarrox did two very interesting video analyzing the themes and topics for each game (1, 2) and McGee himself commented on them that he felt understood.
And I seriously think they did the first game dirty by porting it to consoles. It was designed and programmed with a certain input (keyboard+mouse) in mind, a controller will make the impression of the game much worse for the player.
- Comment on EU consumers don’t trust US goods: a look into Trump’s trade deficit claims 2 weeks ago:
Appreciate the discussion—it’s rare to find someone willing to engage beyond surface-level noise.
Same to you!
- Comment on EU consumers don’t trust US goods: a look into Trump’s trade deficit claims 2 weeks ago:
Thanks for your perspective.
I don’t see counter tariffs as begging for scraps, but rather the easiest and quickest applied method to show that trying to force you is not without consequence and then afterwards you work on the other points your post mentioned.
And your second paragraph is exactly why I asked the question and wanted to know your view. To a certain degree you need to play the bad game, even if you know it’s bad, if it’s the only way to proceed.
- Comment on EU consumers don’t trust US goods: a look into Trump’s trade deficit claims 2 weeks ago:
No, let me rephrase it again, so maybe it’s clearer what I want to know from you:
Let’s say for arguments sake, the EU is the perfect government with perfect representation of everyone and perfect economic system to distribute to everyone’s need. So the the gay space communist utopia spoken of in ye olde memes of yore.
But they don’t have every necessary resource on earth and need to trade with other countries, who are not yet as advanced as they are.
Now one of those countries puts tariffs on the EU for bullshit reasons.
How should this theoretical perfect EU react to those tariffs in your opinion?
And just to be clear, I’m not happy with the current way of the EU at all, there is much change needed, but that is besides the point of my argument.
- Comment on EU consumers don’t trust US goods: a look into Trump’s trade deficit claims 2 weeks ago:
If you agree that the divided States of America are starting bullshit trade wars, how should the EU react in your opinion if the current way is not to your liking and only smokescreen?
Because as far as I understand, the counter tariffs are just the allowed tit for tat reaction in accordance to international trade law.
- Comment on Umurangi Generation - Capturing the Apocalypse 2 weeks ago:
I mostly disregarded the gameplay (aka grading of pictures) and just considered it an exploration game: find the locations and also the environmental storytelling bits. And I highly enjoyed it for that.
I sadly was spoiled regarding the story, so I didn’t have that “wait, what exactly is happening here?” Moment. But nonetheless, the atmosphere really fits its name and considering how the real life is going, I sadly predict it’s going to be more and more relevant. But same as you, the last level hit me hard. I consider it good game design, that the game really trained you well, so I immediately understood what I needed to do to end the game. And it kinda felt natural, because it is the only thing left to do at that moment.
- Comment on Umurangi Generation - Capturing the Apocalypse 2 weeks ago:
I highly recommend it, if you can overlook bad execution as a price for a great idea.
As said, the gameplay itself is not the best, but the environmental storytelling and atmosphere is great!
- Comment on Age of Mythology Retold News: Immortal Pillars [Chinese expansion] and PlayStation 5 Releases are Coming 3 weeks ago:
Wait what? This news did not reach me till now. Why does everything connected to big companies have to be so shitty.
- Comment on Forgotton Anne follow-up Forgotlings is a gorgeous jaunt into a mountain full of adorable weirdos - and it has a demo 4 weeks ago:
Oh nice, didn’t know they were developing a new game.
- Comment on Everyone look! I got a picture of the Rosetta Stone 2 months ago:
I think it is the stone from the back. You can see more people on the other side of the stone and also with phones out to photograph it.
- Comment on What's next after Pentiment? 2 months ago:
- the effort to provide historical accuracy, this is a time and area of Europe I only briefly learned about in middle school, so it felt nice having a glimpse of what life was like in 15th century Bavaria, are there games that try to portray life and folklore of people I may not know about? For context I am an average western European.
I know of Never Alone, which is about a traditional fairy tale from the Alaskan native Iñupiaq tribe.
It was a fun little game which introduced me to their folklore.
Regarding the mystery detective work, Lucifer within us is a name you didn’t mention yet. While it’s not as strong a detective game as those you mentioned, it might help scratch the itch for a bit.
Regarding the meta narrative, without too many spoilers I will just mention names: Undertale , Oneshot , Slay The Princess
Especially the last one could be up your alley, since you like games witha lot of text.
- Comment on Fathers Day 2 months ago:
I had exactly the same reaction. But it seems there is nothing wrong this time (besides Becky of course)
- Comment on FBI recommends coming up with a 'secret word or phrase' to make sure your family know you're you and not some hellish AI copycat 2 months ago:
The scam is exactly about feinting a “good reason”. So it is still a good idea to establish a code phrase for such situation, even if you don’t normally use the phone.
- Comment on Vertigo 2: Into the Aether - Reveal Trailer 2 months ago:
Oh nice. Vertigo 2 was a great step forwards from Vertigo 1. I’m interested in this new addition to the series.
- Comment on Optimisation is a Slow Process 3 months ago:
Garbage comes on different states of matter…
- Comment on Intelligence Tests 3 months ago:
Yeah and the other part is proud of that fact, which fits to be honest…
- Comment on Respect 3 months ago:
It’s not so much nature lovers but social media “content creators” who are criticized here.
There was a case I read of a man caring for a beautiful patch of flowers, but then it got famous on social media and those assholes went there in buses, took pictures lying in there and destroyed it. Heartbreaking to read about that one. Sadly I can’t find that specific case anymore, but there are enough articles about the problem, like this one.
- Comment on [Discussion] On a Starry Night / Hoshi Furu Yoru ni - Oneshot 4 months ago:
Nice one! I like it when mangaka work color in their work as a story element.
- Comment on OH SHI- 4 months ago:
Thanks for the confirmation!
That was my source of confusion: finding out, how stuff works exactly is science. Even if we know the rough principle, the details might reveal some new things.
- Comment on OH SHI- 4 months ago:
Here is my try at explaining it in layman terms, but I’m not 100% sure I got the meme completely right. I didn’t do protein crystallography, only organometallics.
Crystallography is the dark magic art of turning nice really small crystals into pictures of molecules (or more precisely: 3D maps of electron density) The scientist in the meme wanted to measure the same protein, but under different pH conditions, so either adding some acid or some base while the crystals form. Then they hopefully get different structures at different pH values and can make a nice video animation like a flipbook to show the change in structure.
And I think the meme makes fun of the fact that the scientist did this experiment with a certain expectation and then that expectation happens but the scientist is surprised by it happening.
They chose a protein which is a reductase, meaning it can reduce the oxidation state of certain molecules. Such a reduction reaction is often dependant on pH value in organism (I think), therefore changing the pH value changes what the protein will do in the crystallization solution.
- Comment on ‘Stop all time wasting’: Woolworths workers tracked and timed under new efficiency crackdown 4 months ago:
I mean it’s not really exploiting if that is exactly the reason why preferential voting exists. Or do I misunderstand something?
- Comment on A patient gamer youtuber explaining why she only plays old games 4 months ago:
I’m trying to think of any game I played that was like that. You have some examples (western or not, old or not) on your mind?
- Comment on People assume that the secrets of the universe will be revealed to them in an afterlife, but you might just remain your same dumb self and have to spend eternity going to church. 4 months ago:
Thanks for explaining your reasoning, I see it different than you.
Especially your comment regarding the LLM is where our beliefs differ: an LLM is the software plus the hardware, so in my opinion for sure if there ever is a “real” conscious AI, we know what it is made out of and that it’s the collection of programs that run on the hardware (we might never understand why that lead to consciousness, but it isn’t more than what was put in). So whatever that AI is, is defined by those two things. Same as we humans are defined by our nerve system and brain. Take parts of it away and it changes the whole (=brain damage, trauma, drugs, etc.).
Especially drugs and their influence on our minds are a big reason why I’m strongly in the “it’s all physical” camp. Taking drugs changes the minds of people while those drugs are in the system. That people feel their thinking change, is proof for me, that it’s all physical, since it can be influenced by physical means, e.g. drugs.
Now we both stated our beliefs, but I don’t think we will get a real answer in the close future and I don’t think we will convince the other person, so thanks again for explaining your reasoning.
- Comment on People assume that the secrets of the universe will be revealed to them in an afterlife, but you might just remain your same dumb self and have to spend eternity going to church. 4 months ago:
Why do you believe that your consciousness can’t arise out of physical matter?
- Comment on People assume that the secrets of the universe will be revealed to them in an afterlife, but you might just remain your same dumb self and have to spend eternity going to church. 4 months ago:
Oh for sure, that might be the case. But everything already written in some holy book or told in some ritual now definitely lacked those sophisticated machines, making all their content moot and you can safely disregard them.
So due to the lack of any information, you can’t prepare and therefore can’t expect anything. So it’s better to be good for its own sake, then trying to appease some bronze/iron age divinity.
- Comment on Just finished Norco 4 months ago:
Same as you, I liked the more grounded part better.
The atmosphere is brilliant and the world was so creative. Cyperpunk is hard to do realistically, but Norco managed to create a believable dystopia to me. Because it wasn’t that different from our own.
And I applaud the developers for the jump scare with the smartphone and the hobo. That one was really well done.
- Comment on Snatcher: Hideo Kojima's attempt at a Bladerunner Visual Novel 4 months ago:
Wow, it seems I completely merged those two games in my mind. Because I can’t find anything regarding randomness now that I’m looking for it. Thanks for correcting it!