- Comment on I do not agree with their political views, but skinheads make pretty nice punk music 2 days ago:
Any fan (or hater) of punk will tell you:
“Nice punk music” is an oxymoron.
- Comment on Three years later, the Steam Deck has dominated handheld PC gaming 1 week ago:
That’s just, like, your opinion, man.
I think it’s perfectly sized. No need for change. And the OLED model is noticeably more lightweight than the original LCD model, so the newer one isn’t too heavy.
- Comment on is it wrong/selfish to cut contact with my trump-supporting father? 2 weeks ago:
There’s a distressing trend of people (self-identifying “progressives”, for the most part) abandoning family because of ideological differences, so most here will probably tell you to cut contact.
I don’t know you or your father, but as a dad myself, I can tell you that if he has the slightest decency as a parent, he’ll be willing to listen if you come from a place of love and respect. Tell him how you’re personally affected by his actions. Appeal to his paternal instinct. At best, you could convince him to rethink his ideology. If that fails, you can hopefully get him to agree to avoid discussing politics with you.
It’s especially important now, with a nationwide financial collapse looming, for family to stick together.
- Comment on Most of us trust scientists, shows a survey of nearly 72,000 people worldwide 1 month ago:
Why would you trust anybody intrinsically? Scientists are people, too, and are just as corruptible as any of us. And since so many people do trust them intrinsically, when they are influenced by moneyed interests, the negative impact they can make is amplified. After all, who are you more likely to believe - a random billionaire or a random scientist?
I’m not saying no scientist should be trusted, and in fact I do believe that scientific research as a profession is more noble and tends to attract more honest people than most. I just think that anybody attempting to influence the public - through policy or the research behind it - should be met with skepticism.
- Comment on Anything tempting you? 1 month ago:
If Monster Hunter Wilds plays nice on Steam Deck, I doubt I’ll be able to resist. Otherwise, it’s a small game, but Heroes of Hammerwatch 2 releases next week, and I am hyped. The first HoH is the GOAT roguelite, IMO, and the demo for HoH 2 was very promising.
- Comment on PlatinumGames Reveals Bayonetta 15th Anniversary Celebration 1 month ago:
Sounds like you didn’t play the game at all. Or you were just really bad at it.
It’s like Devil May Cry; you absolutely cannot button mash if you want to do well in the game.
- Comment on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Hits Over 2 Billion Mod Downloads 1 month ago:
It’s a Wabbajack modlist. So it’s actually hundreds of mods.
- Comment on Valve set Palworld back as Steam Deck Playable but with multiple listed problems 2 months ago:
I love the Steam Deck; I think it’s the best thing to happen to PC gaming since Steam itself, but the Verified system is so unreliable that I mostly ignore it. I’ve played “Unsupported” games that work perfectly out of the box and I’ve refunded “Verified” games that wouldn’t even launch.
ProtonDB is a much more reliable metric for how well any game will run on the Deck.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
The wrong candidate.
- Comment on Cryptocurrency promoters on X amplify China-aligned disinformation. 4 months ago:
A review of the account revealed that “Watermelon cloth” regularly posted content critical of social inequalities in the United States, the Ukrainian and Israeli governments
Disinformation or common sense?
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
I disagree with your ban, even if I agree with the reason for it.
But saying Reddit doesn’t ban people proves that you are either disingenuous or deeply ignorant. Reddit is infamous for banning dissenters. It’s one of the big reasons I left for the greener (though still awfully ban-happy) pastures if Lemmy.
- Comment on Whether you've got big plans for your Sunday or are just going to relax, Putin could change your plans, end your life, kill all of your family, and incinerate everything you own. 4 months ago:
If this is the kind of thought you have in the shower, you might wanna get your pipes checked for lead.
- Comment on Germans decry influence of English as ‘idiot’s apostrophe’ gets official approval 4 months ago:
Nah, it’s pretty simple. Pronouns don’t use apostrophes for possession; they only use them for contractions like “it’s”.
- Comment on Germans decry influence of English as ‘idiot’s apostrophe’ gets official approval 4 months ago:
In English, apostrophes are only used for possession and to indicate missing letters (usually vowels), as in contractions.
My example showed apostrophes incorrectly being used for non-possessive plural nouns. I used a proper noun (“Johnson”) and a common one (“pizza”) to better illustrate my point.
- Comment on Germans decry influence of English as ‘idiot’s apostrophe’ gets official approval 4 months ago:
Interesting. In English, I’d say the “idiot’s apostrophe” an apostrophe that’s used for a non-possessive, non-contraction ‘s’.
E.g., “The Johnson’s are going to the mall to buy pizza’s.”
- Comment on Nintendo Switch emulator Ryujinx gets shut down 5 months ago:
Well, I guess this cinches it - I’m never buying another Nintendo product.
I was already on the fence, as I still wanted to support innocent developers who happen to be part of a shitty company. I even bought a Switch and every game I pirated so I could have a clean conscience when playing them on my Steam Deck.
Not anymore! I’m putting Nintendo squarely in my list of publishers to ignore. It’s a small gesture, meaningless to a megacorp like them, but it’s enough for me.
Fuck you, Nintendo. You used to be cool.
- Comment on Nintendo Targets YouTube Accounts Showing Emulated Games 5 months ago:
Say it with me once again:
Fuck Nintendo.
They’re the Disney of the video game industry.
- Comment on The Revolution Will Be Federated 5 months ago:
How very presumptuous of you. You’re wrong, of course. If I was apathetic enough to ignore my civic duty, I wouldn’t have commented to begin with; I’d’ve just downvoted and moved on.
Just because I protest the hypocrisy of the Democratic party and their candidate doesn’t mean I prefer the unfiltered evil of the Republican party and theirs.
- Comment on The Revolution Will Be Federated 5 months ago:
A lot of great points, all contradicted by the fact that this is a pro-Harris piece. Sure, she’s the lesser of two evils, but evil nonetheless. I certainly wouldn’t call her progressive. She’s just another pro-genocide corporate tool.
- Comment on Heaven 17 composer calls out Rockstar over alleged lowball GTA 6 music offer 5 months ago:
Oh, did GTA IV have multiplayer? That’s the one I’m least familiar with. Must not have been nearly as robust as GTA V’s.
GTA V made online the core component of it’s game. So much so, that they innitially considered GTA Online to be a seperate game included with GTA V.
You contradicted yourself there. GTA Online can’t be both a core component of GTA V and a standalone game.
So Rockstar, who already had the most financially successful game of all time in GTA V from game sales alone, put its resources into the online component in order to fund the development of its sequel. It’s not like they needed to attract new players to the single player game, being, again, that it was the most successful game of all time. Technically it was the most successful media venture of all time (it made more money than any movie, music, or game ever).
If they hadn’t done that, GTA VI and RDR 2 would’ve had smaller budgets and likely wouldn’t have been as good.
I see nothing wrong with this.
- Comment on Heaven 17 composer calls out Rockstar over alleged lowball GTA 6 music offer 5 months ago:
Only one GTA game has had an online component. Every GTA game since 3 has been a best-in-class, genre/generation-defining singleplayer experience.
You pay for the singleplayer. The online bit is just gravy. Some people like said gravy enough to fund the development of Rockstar’s next game. I see nothing wrong with this.
- Comment on USA | Kamala Harris’ Donors Privately Urge Firing of FTC’s Khan, SEC’s Gensler 5 months ago:
Oh no, the regulators are actually regulating?! What a horrible hindrance to
unfettered, unsustainable growthinnovation. They must be stopped! - Comment on Procreate takes a stand against generative AI, vows to never incorporate the tech into its products | TechCrunch 6 months ago:
Can you explain how you came to that conclusion?
The way I understand it, generative AI training is more like a single person analyzing art at impossibly fast speeds, then using said art as inspiration to create new art at impossibly fast speeds.
- Comment on Iran says Hamas leader killed from close range 6 months ago:
It’s always so sad to see someone fall victim to propaganda. Fortunately, we’re on the internet, so that can easily be remedied. If you consider yourself a thinking individual with the ability to change your opinion based on new information, this is the best site I’ve found that covers all sides with little to no bias.
- Comment on Iran says Hamas leader killed from close range 7 months ago:
Israel can stop Hamas by pulling out of Palestine and leaving its people alone. That’s the only reason Hamas exists. No more oppression, no more need for freedom fighters. Easy peasy.
- Comment on Watch Yamcha Get Blown Up Again In New Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero Trailer 7 months ago:
Oh no! Yamcha got Yamcha’d!
- Comment on Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5 Will Premiere with Two Episodes on October 24 7 months ago:
Sounds like something someone who hasn’t actually watched the show would say.
Most modern Trek is not worth watching, IMO, but Lower Decks is so much more than just another modern Trek show. It’s a perfect blend of old Trek nostalgia and modern comedy. Its writers are clearly huge Trek fans, as the show is very respectful of Trek tropes and often references fairly obscure lore.
In short: your opinion is wrong. /s
Try watching it with an open mind (as any person who truly appreciates the core of Star Trek philosophy would) and you’ll probably find that you really like it.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
People are complex, and sure, some are just racist, but I don’t think it’s that simple.
Hatred isn’t nearly as powerful an emotion as fear. White people complaining about non-white main characters aren’t necessarily racist; it’s more likely, I think, that they’re afraid of losing the only consistent part of the white identity: being the “default” race.
- Comment on Israel-Hamas talks to resume, raising hopes of a Gaza ceasefire 8 months ago:
- Comment on [Opinion] Biden Must Resign 8 months ago:
So it’s a bad idea because it’s a bad idea. Got it.
Personally, I think it’s the only way to have any real chance for positive change on Capitol Hill. Nobody’s really voting for Biden; they’re voting against Trump. Give the disenfranchised masses a candidate they don’t hate, one who takes a clear stance against genocide, is under 70, and is mentally able, and the many, many voters who threw up their hands in a chorus of “why bother?” will suddenly have a reason to care again. All Trump’s rhetoric about how old and dementia-ridden his opponent is would suddenly get thrown back in his face.