- Comment on Not a single word about the Wildfires 2 days ago:
Trump could barely dribble on himself with that mushroom dick and the tiny hands that won’t find it. When is the last time you think he’s even seen it without a mirror? And some serious help for that fupa to get it out of the way.
- Comment on Chinese researchers develop method to revive lithium batteries that significantly extends their lifespan 1 week ago:
Could just we stop the influx of single use items with non rechargeable or repurposeable lithium batteries in them.
- Comment on Thieves are using stolen tracking data to steal iPhone packages 3 months ago:
Only reason I use best buy is price matching Amazon. It goes to the store I can pick it up there have done this with tvs stereos the lot. And best part. If you had to order it they deliver to the store if it’s broken or any problems you can refuse delivery there and then with no fight it’s still in the store.
- Comment on I wish I could have a tractor car. 4 months ago:
Flips movie box over to check rating…
- Comment on you can say segs on the internet 4 months ago:
Thanks I feel called out…
- Comment on The great outdoors 4 months ago:
… Why?
- Comment on The great outdoors 4 months ago:
Its a swing. For segs.
- Comment on Grr Windows 4 months ago:
You can just make that unnecessary Windows additions. No one asked Microsoft to force copilot or recall or ads or… On to our systems.
- Comment on Trump arrives at packed MSG as speakers says Harris is the 'anti-Christ' and comedian calls Democrats the 'Diddy party' 4 months ago:
The projection is so insane it’s really hard to fathom they can’t see it themselves.
- Comment on San Francisco to pay $212 million to end reliance on 5.25-inch floppy disks 4 months ago:
Right the jumpers would be cable select, master , slave generally. You could use master and slave or cs but shouldn’t together. Not that you can’t but screwing up your jumpers was the easy way to be pulling you hair out for failure to boot to the right drive or failure to id in the right order.
- Comment on Large Boeing Satellite Suddenly Explodes Into Pieces 4 months ago:
I don’t know this smells of some pencil Pusher looking at an engineer going “can you bring the cost of that rubber o-ring down 13 cents”… “I know you were looking for a specific type of seal but I got this huge assortment pack right here from my local temu…”
- Comment on Home Depot 5 months ago:
cupcake if you think that’s how I’m loading that into my truck you’re the idiot
- Comment on Home Depot 5 months ago:
That’s an example of an idiot. And not how you load that.
- Comment on Home Depot 5 months ago:
Actually yes my ranger fits just fine in some of the tightest of places. Never had a problem fitting into compact car spots with no over hang. With a full size 8 foot bed no less.
- Comment on Home Depot 5 months ago:
My pickup can fit that with a forklift in seconds without hand loading… Can your van…?
- Comment on Hacking Kia: Remotely Controlling Cars With Just a License Plate. 5 months ago:
If you can… Without breaking something vital thats on the same circuit as something so non-vital as turn signals or headlights. You know from the companies so smart as to not wire all… I mean all the positive hots through the ignition or light switch… Nothing like an ignition that’s 200°f.
- Comment on Home Depot 5 months ago:
Your not putting a stack of sheet in the back of a van.
- Comment on Hacking Kia: Remotely Controlling Cars With Just a License Plate. 5 months ago:
Cool just like trying to replace a blower motor in a modern car feel free to rip the entire dash out only to find out it has a second antenna all the way in the back underneath the spare tire also behind a tail light which somehow requires you to remove the muffler to get to…
- Comment on Heaven 17 composer calls out Rockstar over alleged lowball GTA 6 music offer 5 months ago:
They swing low you swing back high and maybe find somewhere in the middle.
- Comment on WaveCore runs right through a concrete wall with gigabit-speed network signal 5 months ago:
2 media is concrete air or… Its 3 media when you have add another air gap. And each transition is orders of magnitude of power requirments
- Comment on ISP to Supreme Court: We shouldn’t have to disconnect users accused of piracy 6 months ago:
Only happens as a matter by court order and is a limit on the person not on the corporations. Though if found out after by the court it can be ordered terminated. And you will face further punishment.
- Comment on YouTube tests server-side ads to make your coveted blocker obsolete 7 months ago:
“Its not an rv. Its a motor coach.” - Clarence Thomas
- Comment on Marine lizards 7 months ago:
That thing sounds like a sqeeky toy.
- Comment on Poor Sega just didn't get the timing right. 8 months ago:
The memory card … It was originally designed to even allow gaming on the card like a mini gameboy when disconnected. By now it would be. A steam deck that acts as a controller… Huh reminds me of the vita…
- Comment on Winamp has announced that it is opening up its source code to enable collaborative development of its legendary player for Windows 9 months ago:
The newest one fixes scaling but you need to set a compatibility setting. Use the newest version. After install right click and hit properties. Click compatibility settings. Set for all users if applicable. Select override hdpi settings. In the drop down select system enhanced. Ok apply … Restart the application. Enjoy.
You can also adjust the test in the actual winamp menus. But you can look up how easier than what I laid out.
- Comment on So I played the original TimeSplitters last night 10 months ago:
Ts 2 was BTW included in homeland as a playable level on a hidden games console as an easter egg. But they actually did not just a level but the whole game. Which if you go looking for you might just find a time splitters 2 playable on pc.
- Comment on Best Buy Geek Squad Agents ‘Going Sleeper’ After Mass Layoffs 11 months ago:
The only time that I ended up going into Best Buy over just ordering something off of Amazon was when I found that they would price match an online Amazon retailer and was capable of buying something at nearly 65 to 70% off. But I was capable of having it directly delivered to a store where I didn’t have to worry about some porch pirate taking off with something that had a general MSRP of like 1,500 bucks and was capable of walking in looking at an inspecting it and deciding whether or not I was actually going to take delivery of it cuz if it was damaged for the Box had been dropped or anything like that I was going to refuse it on the spot and tell them to get me another one which isn’t something you can do when you order off of Amazon.
I also used them to price match a TV that was on Amazon that they still had sitting on the shop floor got it Hefty $50 off on that one but it wasn’t anywhere near what I got off for the new amp/source that I ended up buying.
- Comment on USB hubs, printers, Java, and more seemingly broken by macOS 14.4 update 11 months ago:
My library was using dot matrix clear until 1998 when they finally got enough funding to be modernized. Wauwatosa public library in Milwaukee county mind you. Not a small dollar donor supported space.
- Comment on USB hubs, printers, Java, and more seemingly broken by macOS 14.4 update 11 months ago:
Buy a brother LaserJet and never worry again.
- Comment on FCC Denies Starlink Low-Orbit Bid for Lower Latency 11 months ago:
Keep your thousands of space crap out of lethal range please.