I’ve played even less than you but here’s my feedback so far:
They were supposed to add account-wide reputation, they gave us 10% of it, just for one expansion.
Both TWW and DF reps are account-wide. They will be rolling out past expansions over time…as they stated months ago
I liked the Dalaran cutscene a lot. The voice actor for the one kinda mean guy you meet is…not great. The writing feels in line with WoW which isn’t a compliment but I’ve never paid much attention to the story anyway (skip skip skip, just let me smash some barrels)
Class design is terrible
I’ve only messed with Brewmaster but I’m loving the changes. I’ve seen nothing but positivity in guild chat about the changes to everyone’s classes. For me, it streamlined the class by removed several annoying button presses while still feeling like the same class.
[Feral druids]
Someone has to be the worst…but I got KSM on a WW when I was new to the game and they were a trash spec. I also looked at some lists and wowhead does indeed have them as D tier for M+. However, they are in the A tier for raids. Neither of which are casual content.
Tier lists are for high level content. Every single spec in the game is fine for a casual player. It does not matter what you play.
Hero talents
… they’re normal skill points…you just pick the track to add them to. It’d be the same thing as extending branches at the bottom of the existing tree lol
I like how you might pick different trees for different content. And with being able to save loadouts, doing so is pretty damn easy
teft@lemmy.world 5 months ago
I haven’t played wow for a while now but the last paragraph made me laugh. WoW originally had three talent trees per class. Then they went to one per class and now years later they’re going back to three. Too damn funny.
naticus@lemmy.world 5 months ago
Yeah I quit WoW in 2009 and never went back, which would have been 15 years ago now, and lines up with what the OP was saying for timeline. I remember all the coming class changes that would homogenize things drastically, and already being rather annoyed with how things already were, I dipped without a regret, other than losing touch with friends from there. I’m only in contact with a few of them at this point and that’s a little sad, but we all move on eventually.
Rhynoplaz@lemmy.world 5 months ago
That’s what I was thinking. I haven’t touched the game since pre cataclysm so, that confused me.
Nighed@sffa.community 5 months ago
Druids currently have 7 trees. (And a treeent form)
1 class tree, 4 spec trees and 2 hero trees. Only 3 can be used at any one time though (to be clear as you don’t currently play)