Valve has moved quickly to outlaw automated keyboard features.
A comment I see nobody making is that this will negatively effect disabled gamers and prevent the use of accessibility tools.
Submitted 6 months ago by to
Valve has moved quickly to outlaw automated keyboard features.
A comment I see nobody making is that this will negatively effect disabled gamers and prevent the use of accessibility tools.
I give it less than a week before someone has code for this exact feature in QMK. It won’t be as detectable as looking for “Is using Razer Keyboard”.
i’d imagine it’s pretty detectable anyway… if the point is pushing a or d without any break between them, that’s real easy to time in software: no human is going to be perfect every time
sure, then comes the arms race of circumventing by adding some delay, and some variance in the delay time, but no large hardware manufacturer will just include it at that point and it’ll be obvious it’s a hack rather than an acceptable feature
I disagree on this change but I can see why it was made. Having keyboards with processors is a slippery slope.
I refuse to wrap my mind around “professional” video gamer.
So guess you can’t fathom professional chess players, professional race car drivers, professional footballers, professional boxers, or professional athletes of any sort for that matter?
They’re all games.
I’m going to pretend that we’re not now trying to call button-mashing “athletic.” Such exertion!
Chess is an athletic competition?
Being a professional just means you get paid for it.
Professional gamers get paid to play games.
It’s mind boggling. That’s all
The future is now old man. What is your take on professional chess player?
More like captain obvious troll. Find better bait, this shit is low quality
That’s cool granddad, you must be such an open minded and pleasant individual
Look up the prize pool for the esports world cup that is going on right now
Which one? There’s pretty much world cups on most esports back-to-back from now to November, lol.
I refuse to wrap my mind around “professional”
video gamersports athletemusiciandancersculptor~painter~~writeretc.
People are called to create content. The fact that they have found ways to monetize that content is a net boon to society, because it means we’re truly in an age where art and entertainment can be consumed and appreciated, while the artists and creators are able to focus on their content creation full time. A key defining factor of the renaissance era was that artists were actually properly funded and could focus on their art without being bogged down by a day job.
Not sure if you’re an artist yourself or if your handle is meant to poke society’s nose. :)
Either way, yes, I know what art is. I also know that it is very much in the eye of the beholder. I just don’t happen to agree that playing video games rises to either an art form or a profession. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Man, you really pissed off a bunch of yahoos who scream “hax” while getting teabaged
I did seem to find a soft spot, didn’t I? 6 months ago
This is 100% justified.
These types of features have been regulated in fighting games for a long time. The ideal situation here would be for Razer to open source their firmware and establish a community-driven approved firmware design and let valve greenlight a specific configuration which can be parsed by the game’s executable (or, for tournaments, can be flashed for valid gameplay).
That’s my 2 cents at least. 6 months ago
Are you going to ban mice that are too light? How about super low latency peripherals? Are monitors next? Is there a limit for the specs on those?
I really can’t see how this makes sense for you. 6 months ago
It’s scripting to change your character movement. The super light mouse doesn’t move itself. How is that even comparable in your mind?
Imagine if you had a mouse that stopped moving when your crosshair passed over an enemy. Is that acceptable? 6 months ago
Games are defined by the limitation imposed by them.
You might arguably do all that if you are competing at extremely high skill levels tbh. 6 months ago
The problem is that these create input events on behalf of the user. forexample: When pressing A while still having D pressed, the keyboard sends a KEY_UP=D event even as the user is still pressing D.
As for your comparisom, lowering latency is something different, if anything it’s attempting to make the users actions registered more accurately.
Do note that without this kind of processing, the games already knows that D is still pressed while A is presses, and they decide how to act on it. Games handle this differently, a common one being both keys as “stand still”.
So we’re:
In my opinion this should be implemeted on a OS level for all to use, but I don’t struggle one bit to see how this is disruptive and a no-go in competitive games.