Things she condemned in this statement:
- Hamas and associates
- Burning of the US Flag
Things she didn’t condemn in this statement:
- Anti-genocide protestors
- Israel
- Palestine
Submitted 7 months ago by to
Things she condemned in this statement:
Things she didn’t condemn in this statement:
And Biden just condemned student protesters for being sooo extremely antisemitic
Even when nothing antisemitic happens they will literally stage it as they have done many times.
Zionists have 1 single trick and nobody is falling for it anymore.
You guys know that she has no choice, right? If she does literally anything else, you get president trump. Have fun with that shit.
It’s been a few days and already the excuses are flying.
It’s not an excuse to stand against terrorism and with a democracy that you can actually apply significant pressure to. That’s just an ugly reality.
Or do you think Israel are the only bad guys and hamas are “freedom fighters”? Or do you think cutting off Israel would somehow magically save all the Gazans from starvation?
She’s forced to condemn anti-Genocide protesters?
I’m quite sure that Democrats with slightly milder takes have managed to become president in the past. Excluding Biden of course.
Not going to happen in this political environment. You can have plausible deniability like this carefully worded document focusing on Hamas instead of the blatant genocide of Palestinians or certain genocide from a trump admin. Donors become much less relevant after an election.
How many of them after October 7th? The narrative is different now for the average person.
I had much higher hopes for her.
Kamala just made a statement about Israel an hour ago.
You can watch here:
My impressions: The tone is good. She opens by saying she has had a “frank” conversation with Netanyahu, and she’s says it in a stern voice, which makes it sound like she’s going to be tough with him.
But as for the substance of the speech… well, it sounds like she grasps the horrors of what Israel is doing in Gaza. But she also doesn’t say that the US is going to do anything about it.
Doesn’t say that she’s willing to put pressure on Netanyahu or Israel. Certainly doesn’t say that they’ll stop shipping weapons. (Actually, the opposite. She says she’ll continue to ensure that Israel can defend itself from Hamas, which sounds like it means weapons.)
She wants the ceasefire to be agreed to, but doesn’t identify Israel as the holdout. Doesn’t say that that the US will do anything more than hold conversations. It all sounds like more of the same of what we’ve had for fifty-seven years.
I realize that she is currently just the VP in Biden’s administration, and probably can’t change the administration’s policies. So maybe we can’t expect anything more than a change of tone at this point.
But if Israel were any other country, there would be talk of sanctions and the need for “regime change”.
Australia recently announced that they’ll be denying entry to any Israelis identified as settlers in the West Bank.
Why can’t every country do something like that?
So she confirmed she will keep weapons shipments to israel going, and if israel starts a war with Iran she will help them.
And Harris is supposed to be our big, blue protector from the fascists?
From the American fascists, yes. The US has always cozied up to foreign dictators over legitimate democracies. It’s much easier to exercise your will on a country when you know it’s only being run by a handful of individuals.
Only the ones at home. We’ve been friendly with some of them abroad since the country was founded.
I’m gonna put this as simple as I can:
I can’t be asked to worry about other nations when mine is actively working to kill me.
She can take her stance for the folk that have time and money, but I’m not gonna worry about a cancer risk while in getting mauled by a bear.
As I said on the other post of this, we are fighting each other she we should be burning down Citizens United and marking bribery as it is instead of calling it lobbying. Make that shit illegal, turn Citizens United into fertilizer, and your politicians will begin to match their constituency.
Right on. Ignore wedge-drivers.
And that will be done by voting for the people profiting most from Citizens United?
Is your position “Why vote for the lesser evil”?
You should post this to a different instance. is incapable of facing criticism of the democratic establishment.
It’s honestly pretty gross to see even with all the rhetoric about brain-dead Republicans voting against their own interests and gobbling up the garbage coming from their leader’s mouths.
It’d be great to get ranked choice voting so that we can have an actual left wing party and leave all these diet-Republicans to fester and compete with the rest of the right wingers.
Remember, when they said “Never again,” they just meant “Never again shall antisemitism be tolerated.” They do not care at all about ethnic cleansings and outright celebrate the ones that protect this ideology.
Almost every western government feels guilt over the Holocaust that they’ve all bent over to protect the Israeli state against anything that could even be interpreted as possibly, maybe, being antisemitism.
Can you link to the original?
I was suspicious too: 7 months ago
Misleading title. This statement doesn’t actually say she supports Israel, fully or otherwise. 7 months ago
Yeah she just condemns all protests against israel committing Genocide. What could that possibly mean.
Even includeds some nice Hasbara about Hamas vowing to kill all the Jews. Lying for israel is always a good time. 7 months ago
You may not realize this, but you can be against Israel’s genocide of innocent Palestinians without supporting Hamas - which is also pro-genocide, just of Jews.
It doesn’t have to be either/or. You can condemn awful people/groups/governments all around. 7 months ago
She didn’t quite say that either.
While I agree that there’s a common myth that Hamas want to exterminate the Jews, and that Harris might be invoking that, she didn’t actually say “kill all Jews”.
She said “kill Jews”, not “kill all Jews”. (And I think it’s fair to say that, because they did just kill a thousand Jews in a terrorist attack in October.) 7 months ago
It means she’ll do anything to avoid losing the votes of the American jews.
Or latinos. Or black. Or christians. Or atheists. Or women. Or gays. Or white nationalists. Or anyone. She’s a politicians, like all the others. All she cares about is getting elected.