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community notes is the BEST thing that Twitter could have ever done
Submitted 7 months ago by to
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community notes is the BEST thing that Twitter could have ever done
Which means Elon will find some way to render them useless soon
He doesn’t need to render it useless, he just needs to delete community notes applied to his own tweets, which he does.
Ooohh, he’s tryin’
I would argue it is one of the best features of any social media to date
This is why I say that “technically correct” is the worst kind of correct.
Wdym, it’s not even technically correct. It’s just wrong.
He was gifted 400k, just not by BK. The post doesn’t say it was BK, even though it insinuates that. It’s technically correct, but it has a clearly deceitful intention.
The better way to have worded that post was to say, “A Burger King worker, who never missed a day of work in 27 years, was gifted $400k from a GoFundMe setup by his daughter.”
But that would mean being intentional and using more words. Can’t have that when you want to be spicy and increasing your engagement with ambiguity. 7 months ago
I mean… when this first happened…
People paid into the GoFundMe because they thought it was so fucked that all he got was a shitty goodie bag.
I usually see these stories as failures of the system (and to be clear, they are), but in this case, a large number of people saw something that was straight bullshit, and tried to fix that bullshit with kind donations.
That second part, that’s the part that IS NOT a Boring Dystopia.
In other words, this mainly fits because it’s been years since this happened and the way it was presented in a throwaway Xeet. Everyone who remembers the original story remembers that it went viral because it was fucked up that all he got was a shitty goodie bag despite having never missed a day in 27 years.
People coming together to fight the boring dystopia isn’t boring or dystopian, personal opinion. 7 months ago
I mostly agree with your sentiment, except dystopias have people fight against them all the time. Not as boring, but still dystopian. 7 months ago
I agree with you. Well reasoned. 7 months ago
Not a lot of people are lucky to get funded unfortunately :(