Sure sounds like allowing corporations to pillage the people and be subsidy queens has destroyed our quality of life. Its almost as if wealth is a pie chart of our resources, and not some isolated number that doesn’t effect anyone else.
The U.S. Has Declined in Quality of Life Ranking, Dropping From 16th Place to 28th According to the Social Progress Index
Submitted 8 months ago by to
Comments 8 months ago 8 months ago
Sure sounds like allowing corporations to pillage the people and be subsidy queens
I read that as “pillage the people and suberb queens.”
And I was like "uhhhhh, I don’t know NYC geography THAT well, but to call queens a suburb sounds wrong on every level…I can’t even think of an example to show how absurd that would be, because THIS would be the absurd example…
Then I re-read it.
I need to wake up… 8 months ago
To be fair, the suburbs are a Ponzi scheme and suburban homeowners are, indeed, welfare queens. In fact, they are being subsidized by the very urban apartment dwellers they try to attach that label to! 8 months ago
Thanks Ronald Reagan. 8 months ago
The empire crumbles 8 months ago
Sounds about right. Bottom of the barrel for OECD? 8 months ago
No, but the OECD is quite a big club. The US is currently ahead of Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, and Turkiye. That puts it 26th out of 38 in the OECD (this uses the 2023 numbers, while the article is referencing the 2020 ones). The non-OECD countries ahead of the US are Cyprus, Malta, and Singapore. 8 months ago
I’m not gonna dispute that QoL seems to be dropping in the US but statements like this one in the article:
Really highlights how this is a propaganda puff piece in itself. Whatever it’s selling, this bit is silly fearmongering. Actual crime did seem to spike during the height of the covid response but has since continued it’s drop to historic lows. America was significantly worse off crimewise in the 80s. We are living in some of the most crime-free years this country has seen since we started tracking the numbers. And now, unlike this article, I will post some fucking sources.…/sr_24-04-23_crime_3/……… 8 months ago
Thanks for highlighting that. It’s a huge red flag. It’s common for people who get their opinions from certain places to be more concerned about crime, but crime is indeed way down. It has also mostly recovered from the COVID bump. 8 months ago
That social unrest though… It’s lumped in with crime, but it’s so real.