Alt text: A planned driving route on Google Maps, crossing the Wan Chai district in 1 minute.
At one point, you could’ve sat still in Hong Kong and moved from one country to another
Submitted 10 months ago by to [deleted]
Alt text: A planned driving route on Google Maps, crossing the Wan Chai district in 1 minute.
At one point, you could’ve sat still in Hong Kong and moved from one country to another
I can drive for a minute and be in a new neighborhood.
My brain cannot comprehend this.
I can drive for a minute and still be on my driveway
You go to The PLACE, huh? I personally stick to That Destination, not to be confused with The PLACE or That Quad.
You just reminded me of how many confusing English names there are in Hong Kong
Sure love this new circle jerk format, never gets old
Is that image real? Double decker tram? I want to go to there
I want to go to hong kong just to go to the PLACE.
Me too, eyelash extensions that rival the city’s stadium in importance.
Haha, but squares icons are ads
I’d like to know exactly when you could get through driving through Wan Chai in a minute. Hell the ding ding would take a few minutes getting through it.
By train, right?
With a train you can go from the northernmost part to the southernmost part of Hong Kong within an hour.
Where I live I can’t even get to the city within an hour.
bro no joke; i can get to my bf’s place in ap lei chau from shatin in an hour. the mtr is nuts.
Living in Europe this should theoretically be possible in my city as well, but the traffic probably wouldn’t make it possible. 10 months ago
This is meaningless to me. How big is a district? I can walk one minute and cross a block in my neighborhood. Now what? 10 months ago
It is as meaningless as the posts about driving 43 hours in the same country. Hong Kong has 18 districts, and Wan Chai is one of the smallest ones. However, it’s also one of the most concentrated commercial area. 10 months ago
This is wrong. The screenshot you are showing is Wan Chai Residential District(, not Wan Chai Administrative District (
This is Wan Chai District (the red dotted area): Image