- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 10 months ago:
It’s part of a shifting norm and shifting norms are always controversial. Especially norms that involve opening up bodily autonomy, dignity, or respect to previously excluded groups.
- Comment on Beauty standards 10 months ago:
Boys becoming Men, Men becoming Bears
- Comment on [Serious] Any high-quality right-wing media, books, explainers? 10 months ago:
This is not a right wing resource, but if you’re interested in learning about the arguments and historical evolution of ideas that underpin economic liberalism/neoliberalism, I highly recommend Geoff Mann’s Disassembly required : a field guide to actually existing capitalism. It’s concise, relatively short, and treats the ‘other’ side like rational actors (which is important for understanding, I think).
Ofc this would only help understand people who are quite well informed.
- Comment on Oddly specific question 10 months ago:
I guess I’m worried primarily about internal enemies too, but I don’t think we’d agree on which entities are the problem for some reason…
- Comment on Can we all agree that whatever version of predictive text we have nowadays is crap, and has been for a long time? 10 months ago:
i are, I generally have to make about the corrections per message in order for it to even be legible
(left it in all its glory for you guys)
- Comment on Possible snipers seen at OSU. Administration says they're not snipers but should be treated like they are. 10 months ago:
Love how the narrative went from “nah those can’t be snipers definitely spotters” to “snipers are commonplace at big events!” once it was conditioned. Also the fact that only msn and snopes have published anything about this (or is that just a search indexing problem?).
- Comment on You can drive for 1 minute in Hong Kong and cross a district. Your mind cannot comprehend this. 10 months ago:
Me too, eyelash extensions that rival the city’s stadium in importance.
- Comment on ‘They Are Just Pissed Off’: Scott Galloway Warns Young People Are ‘Opting Out of America’ As Older Generations Failed Them 10 months ago:
I don’t think it’s envy for what the older generations have (“I wish I had that too”) so much as disgust at what they were/are willing to do to make and keep it (at politicians who don’t even intend well, at lobbying, at war mongering, at continued climate degradation, at racism, at the brutality of capitalism and the impact of it’s growth mandate, that some individuals have power way beyond their ability to take responsibility for their harm, etc).
I think the younger generations would be quite willing to adapt to things like high density housing, trimming back consumption, reducing meat intake, etc. in the name of balance with each other and the climate, but that would cause deflation and we can’t have that.
- Comment on Health insurance giant Kaiser will notify millions of a data breach after sharing patients' data with advertisers | TechCrunch 10 months ago:
Wtf, breaches aside why would a health care company be working with advert companies?
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Active support of something totally morally unacceptable seems more morally culpable than refusing to participate. I don’t think most people are consequentialists—the how matters.
- Comment on Rooftop solar panels are flooding California’s grid. That’s a problem. As electricity prices go negative, the Golden State is struggling to offload a glut of solar power 10 months ago:
The main power company in CA (PG&E) has built tons of other things into the bills aside from power generation, so I expect my bill (which has gone up 300% since 2018) to continue to climb despite this.
- Comment on OpenAI Adds Free Instant ChatGPT Access for Everyone. Here's Why That Matters 11 months ago:
I haven’t played around with them, are the new models able to actually reason rather than just predictive text on steroids?
- Comment on California sheriff releases bodycam video of killing of boy, 15, holding gardening tool 11 months ago:
That statement also admits that this is in line with protocol, Idk who in their right mind would call a protocol acceptable where 3 guys show up to a distress call with guns and can’t manage to deescalate one kid with a hoe without loss of life.
- Comment on Please Stop 11 months ago:
People are always like “it doesn’t do anything we couldn’t do with SQL,” as if riding a horse isn’t an improvement in transportation over walking. Things don’t have to be impossible to accomplish in any other way in order to be marginally more useful or efficient depending on the goal. Public ledgers are indeed useful. Blockchain is one technology among a small handful that might be appropriate for your project depending on trust dynamics it demands. Consensus protocols are also useful.
One example, right now our global food supply’s movement and distribution is based largely on market dynamics. Say we want to focus on distribution based on need instead. A blockchain based ledger could allow a fred to ‘commit’ a few bushels of carrots which george ‘commits’ to transporting to mike, who in turn has committed to do do a supply run to Uruguay with his barge. Could they have done this in excel? Probably. Would it be more organized on blockchain? Yes. Would a regular database with a lot of contributors that is carefully designed to keep out bad actors work too? Yes, sure.
- Comment on The upcoming Crazy Taxi reboot is a triple-A game, according to Sega 1 year ago:
“We’re responsible for titles such as Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis and Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage in cooperation with the bases in Tokyo and overseas,” Segawa explained, before bringing up the Crazy Taxi reboot.
“We are also participating in the development of triple-A titles, including Crazy Taxi,” he said. “At present, we don’t have any titles developed independently by the studio, but we intend to do so in the future.”
Dude’s just trying to communicate the scope of work his studio is involved with, I’m going to take the AAA remark with a grain of salt since it’s not from Sega.
- Comment on They say MacDonald's is expensive now. Are any other chains still cheap/cheaper? 1 year ago:
Everything is more expensive where I am but local mexican restaurants have stayed the most reasonable (more so than chains). Chain-wise I think subway is still pretty affordable.
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 1 comment
- Comment on Reddit started doing what they always wanted to do, sell user content to AI. 1 year ago:
Our collective toilet thoughts are going to fuel the future of robot rhetoric guys
- Comment on Google Pulls the Plug: The End of Third-Party Cookies and What it Means | TWiT.TV 1 year ago:
That sounds about right to me, maybe throw in government supported and nonprofits
- Comment on Google Pulls the Plug: The End of Third-Party Cookies and What it Means | TWiT.TV 1 year ago:
I do—I support a handful of creators (including some web content creators) directly via patreon, and donate to the important guys like wiki and craigslist. I don’t support any news organizations and am not sure how they’ll pivot.
- Comment on Google Pulls the Plug: The End of Third-Party Cookies and What it Means | TWiT.TV 1 year ago:
I already click right back out of websites that don’t make it easy to reject cookies or ask for an email. I certainly won’t be registering anywhere and will find other ways to get the information I need. At this point I am immediately turned off by anything that relies heavily on ad-revenue to exist anyway.
- Comment on Because you just don't understand and I can't explain it to you. 1 year ago:
Unless you memorized your 14 digit library card number so you could log into the public computers you are off my friends list
- Comment on Because you just don't understand and I can't explain it to you. 1 year ago:
I did not so I guess we can’t chill:(
- Comment on Because you just don't understand and I can't explain it to you. 1 year ago:
Unless you painstakingly made your own AIM icon gif by slightly editing still images in photoshop that you had to export using imageready and then crush into oblivion to fit the file size limit you are dead to me
- Comment on YSK: Your local library's resources. Many offer free e-books and audio books via apps like Hoopla and Libby, resume writing classes, movies, games...and a quiet place to relax of course 1 year ago:
Some of the more metro ones often have tool libraries, art you can rent, and other neat misc resources too
- Comment on Spotify is creating fake music to save on royalties 1 year ago:
Songwriting and recording/performance have separate royalties attached to them. You can transfer your rights (to labels, for example) and you can split them (one person wrote the melody and one the lyrics and agree to split) so it can get complicated. Obviously they often overlap and you could own both. Anyways, for a cover the songwriter should get some money for songwriter royalties but it doesn’t matter who previously performed the song, nothing for them.
Spotify also owns some of its own labels and artists usually give up their copyright when they sign with a label. What percentage of the royalties they get is basically a negotiation with the label at that point regardless of the song credits listed.
- Comment on Ideas for setting up a media server compatible with xbox viewing? 1 year ago:
The only part I feel confident with right now is safely obtaining the media. I’m fine with that step being manual.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 11 comments
- Comment on The Self-Checkout Nightmare May Finally Be Ending 1 year ago:
I am much more comfortable using self checkout
- Comment on what has worked for you to stop getting angry thinking about people who hurt you? 1 year ago:
It’s quite rational for you to feel angry towards people who seemingly went out of their way to wrong you. One thing that helps me is contemplating the inner existence of that type of person. It must be awful to walk around without a teaspoon of empathy. To walk around disconnected from basic humanity. To find pleasure in hurting others. What a cold existence.