Isnt having an open end really dangerous?
Comment on Cords 6 months agoStrand of exterior lights, one end male plug one female. Idiots start to mount the lights with the female end near their outlet. Get done, become confused, go to store for male to male cord to plug into female end.
The female end is for chaining multiple strands, not for supplying power (directly) from the power socket. 6 months ago 6 months ago
You cam cover them with electric tape or put a cover on them. It’s nobmore dangerous than your home’s exterior outlets though. 6 months ago
Homes exterior outlets??? It might be europe but we dont have neither of those seemingly pretty dangerous things. 6 months ago
Gfci outlets are pretty cool technology. They make getting electrocuted impossible as long they are installed correctly. 6 months ago
I’m going to assume you are English, since they seem to have extreme fear of electric shocks. But there is never any issue with exterior outlets. 99% of them have covers like this and are no nore dangerous that light switches on a patio or in your bathroom. 6 months ago
Every Christmas light string I have seen has had a small fuse inside of the plug, so even if you managed to get a female plug full of water or something and somehow manage to get shocked before a breaker trips in the outlet, you’re probably just going to blow the fuse. 6 months ago
Every Christmas light I’ve ever seen were all low voltage. The last Christmas light that was directly into main power instead of having a power convertor plug was decades ago. I guess that’s EU regulations at work. 6 months ago
Aaah, gotcha! Thank you! 6 months ago
The power can go through the female end just fine, that’s not the problem. The problem is people plug this “suicide cable” into the wall first, thus creating a 120v taser of sorts. Like someone else in this thread said, the only problem from cables like that is people tend to try to backfeed energy into the system with a generator or solar panels. Boom. 6 months ago
Also, at the end of the chain there is a male terminal exposed with live current. Could cause a fire I guess. 6 months ago
So is the problem solved by not plugging it into a powered wall plug? Just like… flick the switch off, like you would a light switch before changing a bulb? 6 months ago
The solution is pulling down your Christmas lights and hanging them back up the right way. 6 months ago
Most American outlets aren’t switched. They can be but most aren’t. If you’re really paranoid you can throw the breaker at the panel. 6 months ago
Wait really? I don’t think I have a single unswitched plug in my house, and I’ve never seen another house with even a single unswitched plug. Do US people need to unplug cords to get rid of standby lights? 6 months ago
Yes, but if someone trips over the cord there is a 50% chance the wrong side comes unplugged and potentially kills them, hence why they don’t make these cords