No, RDM is not the answer. If i pay for something i should own it.
Comment on DVDs are dying right as streaming has made them appealing again 7 months ago
No DRM digital files downloads is the simple answer. There is no reason to go back to physical media to avoid subscriptions.
Keep in mind that DVDs did have DRM and the corps did try and get at the people who broke it. A new and improved physical media would have DRM and it’s possible the corporations will prevent it being defeated this time.
Which means that yoy would only be able to play it on approved hardware. You can have your shiny disc but they will decide if you can play it. Perhaps they can detect how many people are present via a camera or require you do drink that verification can. 7 months ago
Yup, here’s my hierarchy of preference:
- No DRM digital files w/ guaranteed re-downloadability if I have a license key or something
- No DRM physical media
- Offline DRM physical media
- Low cost subscription service with fantastic selection w/ offline viewing capability
Anything after 4 is unacceptable. VHS was 2, DVD and Bluray are 3, and Netflix was 4. Now Netflix has higher prices and worse selection, so it’s now somewhere after 4 and not worth the effort.
I’m willing to pay a premium for 1 or 2, and I’m willing to buy discounted 3, but nothing is offering 4 anymore. 1 & 2 don’t really exist anymore, so if 3 goes away, I guess I’ll go back to the alternatives I used when I couldn’t afford 1-3 and Netflix wasn’t around yet. 7 months ago
VHS was 2
VHS did have a halfassed copy protection technology attempted, though, which was Macrovision. It didn’t really work worth a damn in the end, but even in that area the media giants were already huffing on the DRM crack pipe. 7 months ago
VHS was kind of 2.5 thanks to macrovision… 7 months ago
Dropout.TV would definitely fall under #4 if you haven’t checked them out 7 months ago
cough cough 4K bluray cough cough 7 months ago
Thankfully, MakeMKV is able to get through that with certain drives for every disk I’ve tried. 7 months ago
Ripping those disks is legitimately easier than playing them w/o breaking DRM on PCs 7 months ago
Legitimately playing 4K blu-ray video on a PC without cracking the DRM requires an insane combination of requirements:
Meanwhile MakeMKV can rip them on basically any Windows/Linux/Mac system with a compatible BDXL drive. 7 months ago
For real, VLC is great, I’ve totally had issues playing some of them with it. If I recall there’s supposed to be a way to let vlc use MakeMKV to break them for playback, but yeah, way more work than just ripping it.