- Comment on Or Xitter! Or Facebook! Or Instagram! They're private businesses who can do what they want! If they ban us it's CEnSorShiP 1sT AmENdMENt!1!!1! 2 days ago:
Companies should not have rights, they are not people.
When they become big enough to have power over significant amounts of public discourse they should be regulated to protect public discourse from censorship.
Private entities can engage in censorship, that the US 1st amendment doesn’t offer protection against doesn’t change that.
- Comment on Feedback about our name: someone's concerns on sharing 3 months ago:
- Comment on Feedback about our name: someone's concerns on sharing 3 months ago:
Probably a fan if those fancy newfangled bash or fish shells.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 4 months ago:
It’s disappointing behavior by Linus. It’s understandable that sanctions could force the removal of people just for being Russia.
His reply however shows he personally is in favor of removing people just for being Russian.
I wonder if any of the people who pressured him to take some time off for being a “jerk” will give a shit for this response.
- Comment on Faces Lawsuit After Teen’s Suicide 4 months ago:
She is a 40 yo lawyer. I doubt that she couldn’t afford something more. I find it plausible that she couldn’t devote more time to the kid.
- Comment on Large Boeing Satellite Suddenly Explodes Into Pieces 4 months ago:
Is this like when Americans blamed Pakistani coders for B737/MCAS debacle only to be proven they implemented Boeing’s (fatally flawed) specifications to the letter?
- Comment on YouTube has found a new way to load ads | AdGuard Blog 5 months ago:
I just read your list and it confirms mine.
Small buffer AND can’t skip ahead on a boring video because you can only get served the ads to unlock further video after time equal to the served video duration has passed.
That is not YouTube, it’s online TV and there will be an impact on the product. Preloading a video via a 3rd party client will still easily beat this scheme. Just get a headstart equal to the first ad break.
- Comment on YouTube has found a new way to load ads | AdGuard Blog 5 months ago:
Sure if you fundamentally change what YouTube you can make it work.
You need very small buffers or complete disablement of seeking even outside of ads. Otherwise a client can reconstruct the video without viewer interruption.
People however expect to be able to skip ahead in YouTube videos, otherwise its just TV.
- Comment on The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates 5 months ago:
“Generative” is not a thing in copyright law.
You regard them as different to tools like Word. That does not exist in the law.
When you originally posted that they OpenAI should be on the hook I thought you meant they were the ones commiting copyright infringement. Not that they would violate private contracts with their customers.
Private agreements is not my business.
There is however a push by both sides to settle this in law. Whatever happens will affect everyone.
- Comment on The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates 5 months ago:
Yes they do.
Which is why you want an agreement to make them liable for copyright infringement (plagiarism is not a crime itself).
You would have to pay for distributing copyright infringing material whether created by AI or humans or just straight up copied.
I don’t care if AI will be used,commercially or otherwise.
I am worried about further limitations being placed upon the general public (not “creatives”/publishers/AI corps) either by reinterpretation of existing laws, amendment of existing laws or legislation of brand new rights (for copyright holders/creators, not the general public).
I don’t even care who wins, the “creatives” or tech/AI, just that we don’t get further shafted.
- Comment on The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates 5 months ago:
You need a very specific prompt to make a copy. Even to just be similar enough you have to put the proper input and try a lot of repetitions.
That’s why the right holders are going after the training which included copying by the AI corpos.
In your dream land right holders could just prompt the AI till it spit something close to their work and sue the AI corp for that. Repeat as needed ; infinite money glitch.
Obviously it doesn’t work that way.
- Comment on The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates 5 months ago:
Neither are AI vendors. We have locally hosted AI models and they don’t contain what they output. You can tell by the actual size.
- Comment on The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates 5 months ago:
Nope. The output is based on the users input in both cases.
- Comment on The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates 5 months ago:
It’s not stealing, its not even ‘piracy’ which also is not stealing.
Copyright laws need to be scaled back, to not criminalize socially accepted behavior, not expand.
- Comment on The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates 5 months ago:
Operating system have been used to commit copyright infringement much more effectively and massively by copying copyrighted material verbatim.
OS vendors are not liable, the people who make and distribute the copies are. The same applies for Word processors, image editors etc.
You are for a massive expansion on the scope of copyright limiting the freedoms of the general public not just AI corps or tech corps.
- Comment on The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates 5 months ago:
It’s not a breach of copyright or other IP law not to cite sources on your paper.
Getting your paper rejected for lacking sources is also not infringing in your freedom. Being forced to pay damages and delete your paper from any public space would be infringement of your freedom.
- Comment on 16GB of RAM Could Be the New Minimum in Apple's Upcoming M4 Macs 5 months ago:
I remember an Apple fanboy arguing that this made things better!
- Comment on Commentary, behind-the-scenes features, bloopers: What did we lose when we said goodbye to DVDs? 6 months ago:
You don’t have to deal with digital ownership bullshit with existing physical media because some people broke the DRM.
The worst development for end users would be a normalization of physical media and new or (“updated”) physical formats and players.
With brand new DRM and more tightly controlled playback devices.
- Comment on Mafia: The Old Country will offer voice acting in Sicilian 6 months ago:
I don’t know about Italian but I can tell you Greek Americans plainly can’t speak Greek.
Same with ‘ethnic’ cuisine, they don’t put lettuce in “Greek” salad because that’s how it was originally but because that’s what was available and accepted in the US.
Its also far more likely that very regional or even just family traditions/customs/recipes got attributed to whole nations rather than an elite managing to wipe it out from the original group.
- Comment on Microsoft begins cracking down on people dodging Windows 11's system requirements 6 months ago:
Why won’t they get a virus or something on Windows 10 with that same hardware?
- Comment on How is Lemmy better than Reddit? 6 months ago:
Much more diverse opinions mainly because there are more non-Americans percentage wise.
- Comment on Why are people downvoting the MediaBiasFactChecker not? 6 months ago:
So because spammers exist you created an eveng greater spammer?
What does “third opinion” mean? That its supposedly “neutral” or “unbiased”?
- Comment on ID Scanners Can Change How Your Local Bar Treats You—and Whether It Lets You In. 6 months ago:
You presume much about what services I use. There is much to be said about the power private corps have over us, the complications of being unable or unwilling to use their services making you a de facto outsider.
I don’t see how these wrongs make another right.
Some of the actions alleged are actual crimes. It is a bad idea to have them handle para-legally. Sure being excluded from visiting bars is a light punishment (for someone actually guilty, completely unfair for an innocent person) but nothing guarantees it will stay there and won’t also be used leaked to prospective employers and other people. In fact the first time you get denied you could very well not be alone and have to convince people you are not a rapist or something.
It’s exactly the sort of information you not want bartenders and bouncers conjuring and trading in.
- Comment on ID Scanners Can Change How Your Local Bar Treats You—and Whether It Lets You In. 7 months ago:
Yes totally reasonable some corpos and business get to claim you are a criminal and impose de facto penalties on you.
- Comment on Secure Boot is completely broken on 200+ models from 5 big device makers 7 months ago:
Exploits don’t care if you are actually the NSA or not. The NSA certainly knowns that yet they keep exploits secret at least from the public.
They have argued for key escrow for God’s shake.
They are primarily an intelligence agency. If you are not likely to be targeted by the NSA you are also unlikely to be targeted by any of their adversaries. They don’t give a shit if you get scammed, they are not the FBI, who also keep secret exploits and are anti-encryption.
Additionally using their “best” exploits on more simple targets still poses a risk to them being discovered and fixed. Therefore it’s beneficial to them for everybody’s security to be compromised. It also provides deniability.
- Comment on Secure Boot is completely broken on 200+ models from 5 big device makers 7 months ago:
Do you have any evidence those two people are still committing burglaries? The NSA is not an ex-intelligence agency.
- Comment on Secure Boot is completely broken on 200+ models from 5 big device makers 7 months ago:
It doesn’t matter if they know about security (which they do). A burglar could know about locks and home security systems, would you take his advice?
Their positions on security of others is dismissed on grounds of trust not of competence.
- Comment on TikTok pushed far-right AfD party on young voters in Germany 7 months ago:
He doesn’t see that specific allied power interfering with European politics because he is from the US.
- Comment on Here’s how much Valve pays its staff — and how few people it employs 7 months ago:
How much is the profit? 30% is revenue not profit.
Why is money per employee a useful metric? One would expect most costs of a store like steam to be in hardware and network not in labor.
- Comment on DVDs are dying right as streaming has made them appealing again 7 months ago:
Glad that you agree.