They could be rotten from the inside as well, knowing full well how it would go
Comment on Stay Mad 8 months ago
I think the real upsetting thing isn’t Biden’s performance, or havong Biden as president four more years. He achieved quite a bit after all. The real upsetting thing is the DNC being such cunts that they even pushed for this debate, hoping that Biden could win, only to deny and ignore Biden’s abhorrent performance immediately after. That Bernie got shafted twice by them, that is the really upsetting part. 8 months ago
Sorry, Piped and other frontends isn’t working right now, so you’ll have to use normal YouTube or go through VLC. 8 months ago
The title of this video is “An Anarchistic Watches West Wing” or something similar. I only watched 20mins but it was good so far. It’s a criticism of the American Capitalist system, American Democracy (power of the president, presidential hero worship), etc. via the way it’s portrayed in the West Wing. 8 months ago
Aye. The timestamp I linked specifically talks about something talked about in this thread, which is that the DNC would rather have the far right win than move left. 8 months ago
I’m using the app’s built in video player and I guess it didn’t recognize the time stamp. I wanted to give people an idea of the context because I think it’s worth a watch. I’ll give that timestamped portion a watch later. 8 months ago
Or simply have YouTube links redirected to NewPipe. 8 months ago
Democratic Nation of Congo? 8 months ago
Democratic National Committee. 8 months ago 8 months ago
This was made perfectly clear in 2016 when Hillary stole the nom by colluding with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.
If people haven’t caught on by now, they haven’t been paying attention. Or are just willfully ignorant. 8 months ago
It’s not in their interests to let a progressive win. Just like their counterpart, the DNC takes a shit ton of
briberydonations fromcorporationslobbyists. Bringing in a progressive who would reform the system or push back against pro-corporate policies is biting the hands that feed 8 months ago
DNC should’ve started promoting someone else as Presidential candidate since the last 4 years and let Biden work quietly in the background.