It wouldn’t look the same, but the US could domestically produce enough food and energy to sustain itself.
Comment on Had me for a while there 10 months ago
If the US territory were to exist on its own, there wouldn’t be an United States. 10 months ago 10 months ago
That could probably be said about anywhere, given time, money, and willingness to reduce population.
I could probably build an underground vertical farm in the Sahara and feed myself, if I pumped in saltwater to desalinate. 10 months ago
I don’t think that’s true. Many, many countries don’t have what it takes to self sustain in a modern world. 10 months ago
I mean, it absolutely could. California alone supplies the planet with a massive percentage of food. If the this image was accurate, we’d have a surplus of food. We might just have to tolerate losing a lot of stuff we can’t (?) grow, like bananas. Or they’d be remarkably expensive because only Hawaii or something could grow them.
Power? Again, we have collosal amounts of energy or energy potential. From green energy to fossil fuels and natural gas. Without selling it to our allies, we’d have a surplus of energy.
This is literally why America is a the superpower. But a lot of countries could likely do this. Russia could for sure too.
Economically, however, I can’t even speculate.
Fun thought experiment, worthy of a Kutzgesagt video! 10 months ago
Nah you did good explaining it in detail, nice work. 10 months ago
A United States. You wouldn’t say “a uniform”. You would say “an underling”. First one has a y sound to start, second has a u sound to start. 10 months ago
I’m gonna say “a uniform” and u can’t stop me 10 months ago
I’m gonna read the u as an oo and oo can’t stop me 10 months ago
Why the hell not? 10 months ago
because ‘a’ vs ‘an’ is dependant on the first sound not the first letter. For some reason the “yew” in uniform counts as a consonant. 10 months ago
Yes, so ‘a uniform’ is the correct formatting, not ‘an uniform’. 10 months ago
You would if you wanted to be an jerk about it.