- Comment on Choose your Fighter 8 months ago:
Pterodactyl is also not a dinosaur but this list is just for the lols anyway 😄
- Comment on Choose your Fighter 8 months ago:
Plesiosaur! It’s a reptile, but neither is a mosasaur.
- Comment on Stay on the designated path 9 months ago:
What would be cool is if it was mimicry. Like if you got up close you’d realize the boobs were an optical illusion on top of some kind of scale protrusion. In fact most of her was mimicry and she just was a big ass lizard. And not even female.
What I’m trying to say is that I love the Guillermo del Toro creature feature Mimic.
- Comment on BBC thinks we might as well get comfortable, fellow Zoomers. 9 months ago:
Do/did people actually wait for 25 years (to buy a house) before making their home interesting?
- Comment on Stay on the designated path 9 months ago:
“How did you evolve mammaries? Does that mean you don’t lay your eggs? How long does it take your children to mature? Do you nurture them the whole time or less than that? If you and I had sex, do you expect pleasure or just fertilization?”
- Comment on In case some of y'all are still looking for a job 9 months ago:
early Nine Inch Nails
Excuse me? The Yakuza got beef with the middle and late NIN eras? Get fucked! I’ll kick your ass for such bullshit! Online! Only…! Online!
- Comment on Steam is now refunding Ghost of Tsushima for people in affected countries. 9 months ago:
Sony doesn’t give a shit because non-PSN countries account for fuck all of their sales. Just pirate it and move on. Stop crying like it’s your Holy duty to give megacorps your money.
- Comment on Mona: Australia women's-only museum files appeal to keep men out 9 months ago:
Hmmm. In America, “gentleman’s clubs” is what people call strip clubs. I apologize for the aggressive language, I misunderstood.
- Comment on Mona: Australia women's-only museum files appeal to keep men out 9 months ago:
I used to work at a strip club. Every body is more than welcome.
Lesbians frequently came in, but also straight girls and I couldn’t tell you why.
So shut it.
- Comment on Mona: Australia women's-only museum files appeal to keep men out 9 months ago:
Nah, best to blame men forever and call it.
- Comment on Mona: Australia women's-only museum files appeal to keep men out 9 months ago:
I was just about to to write something exactly like this.
Being afraid of 49% of the planet so hard that going outside is impossible, what the fuck is going to a museum going to be like? Do they escort you from your car into the side entrance? And then what? Enjoy a museum or is it group therapy in there? To what end.
Being catatonically afraid is not the world’s problem (ie fighting a legal case).
- Comment on Mona: Australia women's-only museum files appeal to keep men out 9 months ago:
Antidiscrimination law apply everywhere, regardless whether it’s government or public or private. Otherwise America would still have Jim Crow. The laws that stop that stop this too, for the same reason. Discrimination is wrong, full stop. I don’t give a fuck if women want their own spaces, be my guest, but barring people you don’t want and then crying about it is moronic.
I’ve been to lesbian bars with my sister and even though my sister is gay, I got glared at, got scoffs, and sighs. I could tell I wasn’t wanted. It kinda pissed me off, but whatever, I was there to drink with my sister and have fun. Imagine if that was a women only bar and my sister couldn’t bring me. Then imagine all the other lesbian bars my sister wanted to bring me too (because she liked them!) were the same. You get my point. I don’t want to live in that world. Some people do and I say, fuck those nearsighted fools.
- Comment on Mona: Australia women's-only museum files appeal to keep men out 9 months ago:
Your comfort isn’t protected by law because it’s far too subjective. Discrimination laws are based on tangible, objective truths. It sucks that you don’t like going to the gym but the law leaves you in the lurch. You have to navigate those problems yourself because being a creep isn’t a crime. If that sounds callous, I don’t mean it to be, but if there were laws dictating social behavior and discriminatory spaces, this world would be a worse place than you can imagine.
- Comment on Mona: Australia women's-only museum files appeal to keep men out 9 months ago:
I kind of suspected this. Usually forseeble controversy like this is a ploy, especially with art and art spaces.
- Comment on Mona: Australia women's-only museum files appeal to keep men out 9 months ago:
Museums are usually pretty safe spaces. Sorry you went through that and that trauma is is with you.
I’m a man, and also a victim of sexual assault from a man.
This isn’t the way.
- Comment on Mona: Australia women's-only museum files appeal to keep men out 9 months ago:
This is a slippery slope to things you wouldn’t want to be excluded from, if this appeal wins and creates precident to make much worse places. Thinking this is a feminist battle is narrow minded, selfish, and will absolutely backfire.
- Comment on Mona: Australia women's-only museum files appeal to keep men out 9 months ago:
Those are excluded and you know it. Don’t be a pain in the ass.
- Comment on Mona: Australia women's-only museum files appeal to keep men out 9 months ago:
There shouldn’t be such thing as gender x only spaces. Or race, or sexuality. The women aren’t wrong about their points, but that doesn’t make it an acceptable or thankfully, legal thing to do. I’m sure the guy who sued them did it for all the wrong reasons though. Both sides seem a bit slimy.
- Comment on The Divinity: Original Sin board game took 6 years to make because Larian was determined to do right by the series 10 months ago:
You’re thinking too literally.
- Comment on The Divinity: Original Sin board game took 6 years to make because Larian was determined to do right by the series 10 months ago:
Larian is the new CDProjectktRed. And by that I mean they are projected to be a perfect, infallible, manifestation of developer perfection that gamers will worship and praise blindly until Larian proves themselves to be mere mortals by making a mistake.
- Comment on Mandelbrot 10 months ago:
Try Canada on for size.
- Comment on Updating California’s grid for EVs may cost up to $20 billion 10 months ago:
Chump change for us. Just do it.
- Comment on ByteDance prefers TikTok shutdown in US if legal options fail, sources say 10 months ago:
Please oh please
- Comment on Had me for a while there 10 months ago:
I don’t think that’s true. Many, many countries don’t have what it takes to self sustain in a modern world.
- Comment on Had me for a while there 10 months ago:
I mean, it absolutely could. California alone supplies the planet with a massive percentage of food. If the this image was accurate, we’d have a surplus of food. We might just have to tolerate losing a lot of stuff we can’t (?) grow, like bananas. Or they’d be remarkably expensive because only Hawaii or something could grow them.
Power? Again, we have collosal amounts of energy or energy potential. From green energy to fossil fuels and natural gas. Without selling it to our allies, we’d have a surplus of energy.
This is literally why America is a the superpower. But a lot of countries could likely do this. Russia could for sure too.
Economically, however, I can’t even speculate.
Fun thought experiment, worthy of a Kutzgesagt video!
- Comment on First known test dogfight between AI and human pilot carried out, US military says 10 months ago:
Imagine the pressure on the pilot from their buddies… You would never live down losing
- Comment on So sweet 10 months ago:
Depends on the area code.
- Comment on So sweet 10 months ago:
Maybe that’s just a as-needed smokescreen I’ve heard before when criticism is made, but rarely otherwise 🚫
- Comment on So sweet 10 months ago:
It’s just a fucking call. I truly don’t understand the hate. Emotionally stunted, socially immature jokes. Grow up.
- Comment on Adobe's new generative AI tools for video are absolutely terrifying 10 months ago:
Any article with a headline like that is at least suspicious but most likely fucking garbage. AI Boogeyman rage/fear bait is so base and pandering.