- Comment on A balanced diet is important 2 weeks ago:
The Amish dudes at my work absolutely destroy the toilets. Smears going up the tank, hair everywhere, toilet often clogged. What the fuck are their wives and mothers feeding them??
- Comment on A balanced diet is important 2 weeks ago:
I tried a bit from the tap after my son was born, can say it was not bad at all
- Comment on Patient gamers, what are your favorite OSTs? 3 months ago:
Hommanommanommanomma na-ee hee, eee hee-ee!
- Comment on Patient gamers, what are your favorite OSTs? 3 months ago:
The Neverhood
- Comment on I got tired of killing my cactus so now I plant mint 3 months ago:
after being dead all winter
Yes, this is what perennials do.
- Comment on Monsters Help 🥺 3 months ago:
Get a bidet
- Comment on Indiana Jones doesn't "endorse" Nazis, Bethesda assure, just in case you were confused by him repeatedly murdering them 3 months ago:
Maybe it’s a skill issue. They never could make it past level one so the nazis are programmed to be too good!
- Comment on I hate that that happens 4 months ago:
If if if if if we
Okie doke
- Comment on I hate that that happens 4 months ago:
I’m pretty sure it is grammatically correct with no comma. The version you provided is a comma splice.
To slightly change the tense, *All the good faith that I had had no effect" is grammatically correct with no comma, so the gerund form should also not need a comma.
- Comment on Is it normal to feel tired of technological progress? 4 months ago:
I think a problem here is that technological advancement and technological progress are not necessarily the same thing. I don’t think that every new piece of technology that pushes us further into some kind of strange new world necessarily is good for humanity, or society, or even just the individual. I think this is some of what your noting in your post here. Sure, on the whole the internet has probably been a net positive for Humanity, but one can’t deny that at the same time there are a lot of strikingly negative aspects of the internet, and that it’s further and seemingly endless encroachment on our lives is deleterious.
I think that as I’ve gotten older I’ve become a bit more technology averse, or at the least a bit more suspicious of technology, than I used to be as a child, and maybe part of that is becoming a father, but at the very least I can respect where you’re coming from and I agree with you. It seems like our world is just a never-ending carousel of novelty and we’re never allowed to just absorb and respect the things that we have before something new comes in and shifts the paradigm.
- Comment on Loops by Pixelfed • Public beta (hopefully) launching in 10 hours 4 months ago:
Sorry, I couldn’t follow your comment. Could you please interlay a second text in a different color that has poop jokes so I can have enough things to focus on? An injected mp4 of someone stapling sheet aluminum would help, too.
- Comment on xcoffee 4 months ago:
Yeah, welcome to the club, pal.
- Comment on Literally Nineteen Eighty-Four 4 months ago:
Wtf I’ve never heard of this, what a cursed way to notate large numbers
- Comment on hard to argue with 4 months ago:
Lack of butterflies caused me to panic the first time he proposed, and I needed more time to think things through. I knew I liked him. I knew in terms of biblical values, he was a rare find. He wasn’t the most handsome guy ever, but he wasn’t repulsive either.
Oooof what a blog lmao
- Comment on Modern Cinderella 5 months ago:
Why do I hear progressively closer popping noises??
- Comment on Nap game 5 months ago:
My sleep schedule I’ve been doing for years now is to sleep maybe 4-5 max hours at night and take a 20 minute nap after work.
- Comment on Man-in-the-Middle PCB Unlocks HP Ink Cartridges 5 months ago:
I have a rather old office laser from like 20 years ago and it is amazing. No DRM and I buy really cheap ink cartridges. The HP site does sell my cartridge still… For over $200.
- Comment on Ailanthus 5 months ago:
Honeysuckle is the worst
- Comment on fwiends 5 months ago:
Please don’t let the Amish at my work know that such small increments of size exist. They’ll ask me to cut my trim to that level of tolerance
- Comment on fwiends 5 months ago:
Do you wear a belt? Do you develop a rash on your underbelly where it touches the buckle?
Can you guess how I learned I was allergic to nickel?
- Comment on How do you scream? 5 months ago:
I just want to know what the dude from Lamb of God does to make himself sound like a jaguar
- Comment on This is my hole! 5 months ago:
My pseudo-coked out Tik-tok brain can’t watch more than ten seconds of any content if it doesn’t have at least three different visuals happening at once for me to focus on.
- Comment on NIST proposes barring some of the most nonsensical password rules 5 months ago:
The app my work uses to show 401k, pay, request leave, etc details, uses a ridiculous webapp that’s very slow, and on top of this, they nag you literally every 4 months to update your password. I used to be a good boy and memorize a new password each time. Now I just add a new letter into BitWarden and it’s my new password. Apparently this is more secure??
- Comment on Dark Matter Black Holes Could Fly through the Solar System Once a Decade 5 months ago:
If they were relatively evenly distributed would that counteract lensing?
- Comment on Satan's little helper 5 months ago:
I will not stand for this anti-sedge propaganda! Cyperaceae Master race!
- Comment on Ol switcharoo 5 months ago:
So what the fuck is a new moon
- Comment on I hope you don't have any plans this evening. 5 months ago:
Read the fucking moom
- Comment on Bread 5 months ago:
Come on, come on, come on now baby…
- Comment on The UK section of my local supermarket is taking the piss 5 months ago:
You ought to be. It’s a struggle meal, not because of the price but because you struggle to keep it down. The noodles feel simultaneously overcooked, limp and somehow grainy. The sauce is virtually flavorless except for a musky odor of nuclear cheese. The consistency of the sauce is like that of milk, and it does not adhere to the noodles. Your bowl will be a nice mix of cold, pallid noodle soup and boiling hot noodle soup.
- Comment on Look Closer 5 months ago:
Thanks a lot! I have an Olympus Tough TG-6. They’re on the TG-7 now and my buddy has one, but they’re almost the same camera so if you find a 6 available get that.
I’ve probably put 20,000 photos on this thing. It’s an amazing digital camera. I have dropped it onto concrete, it’s waterproof, just all around great. I recommend getting the ring light if you want to do macro photography. I’ve gotten some awesome pics with it.
You wouldn’t think it but the vast majority of my photography is of plants. I just got some great mileage out of photographing insects.