Are US kids’ already dwindling attention spans going to be saved from exposure to the TikTok algorithm? Yes.
You’re pinning the blame on tiktok when this also applies to YouTube (shorts and not), Instagram (Reels), Twitter. If we wanted an actual solution here we would implement actual children screen time laws, ironically similar to the under 18 gaming laws that have been implemented in China.
Tiktok is the only platform I’ve seen legitimate progressive forward on various issues and discussions centering on what that means and takes, in a way that actually fosters a great democratic progressive movement in the US.
From all I’ve read on this issue, not a single person has provided me with any insight into what or who this benefits that does not also apply to every other social media other than an entirely fabricated myth that they’re controlling the algorithms to spread anti US sentiment. Anti-US sentiment definitely exists, but it exists as a discussion around what the US is currently doing. I.e. funding Israel, and as a counterargument I am also fed state department interviews. 10 months ago
Actually, you’re right.
If we consider this normal, it would totally be acceptable for Europe to demand a ban or sale of American
spying and propaganda toolssocial media and streaming platforms. Either way, it would reduce the harm they could do - and in the case of a sale, they’d actually have to adhere to consumer friendly 10 months ago
They probably should. FB and all those other apps suck just as much. 10 months ago
Fucken do it. 10 months ago
I wish we would, but on the other hand, not being a totalitarian regime is kind of the reason why it’s better here. Damned if you you, damned if you don’t. 10 months ago
Protecting citizens’ interests is not totalitarian. 10 months ago
I mean, they really should. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter… These are all trash.