- Comment on Underground caves do exist on the Moon, radar observations confirm 7 months ago:
a tragedy awaiting the overconfidenta fun destination for billionaire excursions!We’ll let them work out the kinks first, you just gotta know how to sell it.
- Comment on new sharkey instance now open: 7 months ago:
Evidence that marginalized individuals as just as capable of asshol-ish behavior as the majority.
- Comment on Hey guys I love Jodie Foster so much any tips on how someone like me can impress her? 7 months ago:
Those song titles collectively sing “I’m still a stalker.”
- Comment on How do Texas residents afford electricity? 7 months ago:
What’s your dew temp?
- Comment on Keep honking! 7 months ago:
One of my favorites - I’m crossing the street as a pedestrian, a car waiting to turn is waiting for me to get across, and everyone behind them (who still have a clear view of me) are honking at them for not going.
The more they honk, the slower I walk.
- Comment on Would Sentinel Island still be untouched in the Star Trek Universe? 7 months ago:
I’m aware he didn’t storm the island by force - I didn’t use those words. The implication was that he went where it was made abundantly clear he wasn’t wanted - more than once - and suffered the consequences.
- Comment on Many people don't realize this place is just as toxic and censored as Reddit just in smaller scale, hell I'm afraid this post will be removed as well, they hate any type of discussion... 7 months ago:
I really wish more people were comfortable with admitting this. Props to you for being self aware.
- Comment on Would Sentinel Island still be untouched in the Star Trek Universe? 7 months ago:
At least one idiot tried, and he got what he fucking deserved.
- Comment on J.K. Rowling Blasts “Gender Taliban” David Tennant After ‘Harry Potter’ Actor Said “Whinging” Trans Critics Are On “Wrong Side Of History” 7 months ago:
Absolutely! I’m definitely in that camp that thinks the book is (almost) always better than the show/movie - totally agreed there. I try to judge them separately when I can though since there’s a lot on stuff in text that just doesn’t translate well to the screen.
- Comment on J.K. Rowling Blasts “Gender Taliban” David Tennant After ‘Harry Potter’ Actor Said “Whinging” Trans Critics Are On “Wrong Side Of History” 7 months ago:
Another great show he’s in is Good Omens. Highly recommend if you haven’t watched it.
- Comment on J.K. Rowling Blasts “Gender Taliban” David Tennant After ‘Harry Potter’ Actor Said “Whinging” Trans Critics Are On “Wrong Side Of History” 8 months ago:
He was in Goblet of Fire. Showed up briefly at the beginning and end of the movie, certainly easy to miss. More of a cameo appearance for David Tennant fans.
- Comment on Japan achieves staggering 402 Tb/s data rate with commercial optical fiber — record-breaking performance tapped into unused wavelength bands 8 months ago:
I’m definitely thankful to have symmetrical gigabit for $70/month. 2/5/8 Gb service is also available. Dunno what I’d do with that bandwidth, but I’d love to find out.
- Comment on Is it practically impossible for a newcomer selfhost without using centralised services, and get DDOSed or hacked? 8 months ago:
I host a handful of Internet facing sites/applications from my NAS and have had no issues. Just make sure you know how to configure your firewall correctly and you’ll be fine.
- Comment on Get scattered 8 months ago:
God’s just a burst of dopamine.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
I’m sure PETA shelters would have more capacity if they didn’t prefer to see an animal dead than a pet. They have significantly higher kill rates than any other shelters, and have made their stance pretty clear that they’re against animals being pets. No wonder they just keep killing them.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
I’m no fan of Fox News in general myself, but just because we don’t like them doesn’t make everything they publish false. And yeah, the PETA kills site clearly has an agenda, but their agenda is to try and save animals from PETA’s “love.” There’s sensationalism on that site, but there are also numbers, many of which come from PETA themselves.
I linked the Snopes article knowing that it supported points from both sides. The point in linking that article is that it’s despicable that any of those reports of PETA’s disgusting behavior are true at all.
You know what no-kill shelters try to do when they don’t have space? Coordinate with local foster programs, coordinate with other shelters to see if they have space. There are other alternatives besides taking in a perfectly healthy animal and dropping it in the euthanasia queue.
I’m quite sure there are quite a few things PETA has been accused but not convicted of. When you’re a group of assholes as big as that, you get pretty good at skirting the fine lines of what’s legal and what’s not. They’re hardly the first example of groups like that.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
PETA has a lot more fucked up behavior under its belt than the one time they “accidentally” euthanized a dog they stole from someone, and much of their bad behavior has been very much maliciously intentional. Here just a small sample.
- Comment on Found this great deal on a new chair for my living room. Almost 50% off! 9 months ago:
Just an edgy response to “I can’t be bothered to learn my own language properly.”
- Comment on xkcd #2925: Earth Formation Site 10 months ago:
Must have been a lot of Dramamine going around before Einstein invented that.
- Comment on YouTube Tests Showing Ads When You Pause a Video, Calls it ''Pause Ads'' 10 months ago:
OS for LG TVs.
- Comment on Academic job talks 10 months ago:
I wanted to go into forensic psychology. But then I took a class on Tuesday nights taught by someone whose day-job was forensic psychology and found out how often you’re likely to get sued just by doing your job (assisting the courts means the losing side will often be pissed at and litigious with you).
I graduated with my BS in Psychology and promptly accepted an IT job - I have a natural talent with tech and had work experience from my student job as a helpdesk tech for the college. Now I work nights from home doing core network maintenance for an ISP.
Still trying to figure out if the student loan debt I’m currently buried under was really worth taking on just to get my foot in the door of barely-lucrative employment.
- Comment on Friends matter 10 months ago:
Not all the way through, but I know what you’re talking about and that does seem like a good representation.
- Comment on salmon 10 months ago:
That thing looks like a fish skeksis.
- Comment on Friends matter 10 months ago:
Are the solid dudes subject to the effects of density? What does the neutron star crowd look like?
- Comment on China: Uyghur served 7 years in jail for advising others not to drink or smoke. It is first time that one of the jailed residents from Xaneriq village are released alive. 10 months ago:
- Comment on Gluetun: The Little VPN Client That Could 10 months ago:
There’s another nifty little container called qbittorrent-natmap that will take care of that for you.
- Comment on China: Uyghur served 7 years in jail for advising others not to drink or smoke. It is first time that one of the jailed residents from Xaneriq village are released alive. 10 months ago:
They are racist, and I’m not sorry for calling it out. Why are you defending that crap. Guess we see who the mods support.
- Comment on Biden expected to sign the TikTok ban on Wed. 10 months ago:
China would certainly know a lot about stealing intellectual property from successful countries.
- Comment on China: Uyghur served 7 years in jail for advising others not to drink or smoke. It is first time that one of the jailed residents from Xaneriq village are released alive. 10 months ago:
Fuck off, racist.
- Comment on mmm space chocolate 10 months ago:
You do realize they aren’t really sending a giant ball of shitty chocolate into space, yeah?