I agree - figuring out how to take advantage of time dilation for therapeutic purposes would be very cool, snd potentially quite useful. This is kind of what I hope comes from renewed research into psychedelics, being able to pick out the mechanisms for all the different effects and developing techniques to cherrypick just a few with therapeutic benefit with a much reduced risk of freak out. We may already be there re:time dilation alone with TCMS or something, idk.
But real talk - which do you see getting funded for wider use first, 5 year retreat in an hour, or psychic prison?
(Actually, saying it at loud it might be even odds, depending on the price tag folks can assign to the retreat)
intensely_human@lemm.ee 10 months ago
I once had a dream lasting months, ultra vivid.m, ending in a futuristic battle scene in which everyone around me was massacred and then I was killed last. Woke up, and three minutes had passed since I last looked at my phone.
duffman@lemmy.world 10 months ago
Like for real months, like 30 days, 24 hours? Or the dream skipped through that timespan?
intensely_human@lemm.ee 10 months ago
You’ve seen Total Recall right? I don’t know.
I remember a long period of wandering the countryside. Long conversations with farmers over dinner, them letting me bed down in their barns or guest rooms. Doing a little chores for each one. I remember the feeling of excitement slowly growing as I got closer to the man I was tracking.
But maybe it was just memories that appeared in my head.
The battle scene alone was well over three minutes, and it was just the very end of the dream.
But you never know.
I do remember I woke up in a literal cold sweat. As in my skin was cold to the touch, and I was covered in sweat, and my heart was racing, and I was full of adrenaline and terrified. I’ve never woken up like that, and never had a cold sweat in my life outside of that.
Sunrosa@lemmy.world 10 months ago
This actually happens often for me now. I find that afterward it’s almost like coming down from a real psychedelic trip, for the entire day. And i have the clarity to recall memories from my childhood that i once thought lost for the day