she/they ENFP-T
I like chess, Rust programming, 3D art, and socializing. Retired as an alcoholic. Transgender woman. In my 20s.
If the situation truly was hopeless, their propaganda would be unnecessary. Resist the coming times.
Peace and love
- Comment on Ah sweet! 6 months ago:
I don’t think the people that came up with the word for cannibalism ever imagined it could ever come from a petri dish. I’d say it’s undefined as or as not cannibalism
- Comment on Taylor Swift needs a glass of water at night too 10 months ago:
The fuselage looks way too small
- Comment on Progress! 10 months ago:
This actually happens often for me now. I find that afterward it’s almost like coming down from a real psychedelic trip, for the entire day. And i have the clarity to recall memories from my childhood that i once thought lost for the day
- Comment on Progress! 10 months ago:
I’m also kinda scrambled now though
- Comment on Progress! 10 months ago:
Wait this could maybe be good if used very responsibly. When I had my last shroom trip, i was gone so long that I had to meet every single one of my friends again, but i had so much time to learn and think in that time span (it was also horrible). Dangerous concept for sure though lol
- Comment on I love purple. 1 year ago:
yellow is pretty hard to make. low density structures and blue circuits completely fuck your copper lines unless you prepare
- Comment on YouTube is now fully blocking ad blockers around the world 1 year ago:
All the more reason just to use yt-dlp. I know it takes a tiny bit of time to set up, but it’s well worth it. I’m able to download 20-minute videos that would have otherwise buffered in less than a minute. I can simultaneously queue up a bunch of videos, and watch them with zero stuttering.
- Comment on I wish 1 year ago:
Ohh. JS needs you to check the variable during runtime??? That’s… something. I guess that’s what you get for using dynamic typing everywhere. I still bet it’d be faster to do the function by hand though.
- Comment on One year after being bought for $44 billion, X is worth $19 billion 1 year ago:
Wow! That’s kinda insane. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen anyone do that. Perhaps it’s just invisible to outsiders, because it’s that seamlessly integrated?
- Comment on YouTube is now fully blocking ad blockers around the world 1 year ago:
I’d never heard of the latter two. Thank you!
- Comment on YouTube is now fully blocking ad blockers around the world 1 year ago:
Higher resolution videos actually have better bitrates on youtube. Like if you select 4k even if your monitor is just 1080p, the video will look much better.
- Comment on ... 1 year ago:
I think part of the joke is that lots of the traditional straight ppl out there have wild expectations like not finding others attractive anymore.
- Comment on Ok Lemmy Rorschach test time. Tell me what you see. 1 year ago:
A stickman demon with a spiky crown (shaped like brittle crown from risk of rain 2) with butterfly-demon wings
- Comment on I wish 1 year ago:
I would never touch js, so idk convention, but this has to be a joke right?
- Comment on One year after being bought for $44 billion, X is worth $19 billion 1 year ago:
I’m only starting to realize now that the Fediverse kinda follows the unix philosophy of small and purpose-built interconnectable pieces interfacing with each other. It’s much better.
I’m not very well versed in the Fediverse so this may be wrong.
- Comment on YouTube is now fully blocking ad blockers around the world 1 year ago:
The entire internet nowadays is either monopolized or close to it. I miss the days of many servers hosting indie websites, as opposed to one or two companies per niche.
- Comment on YouTube is now fully blocking ad blockers around the world 1 year ago:
It’s pretty random whether you get the message or not. Some of my friends, including me, straight up cannot watch youtube on their website half of the time anymore, because it full blocks us. It’s not just an annoying message, videos actually just don’t play. But I only get it on some days. I think the message only pops up if you’ve been watching for more than like an hour straight. Then again, some of my friends have never seen the message. Who knows. Just more weird big tech server bullshit. Like how twitter’s api works 15% of the time (for me).
- Comment on YouTube is now fully blocking ad blockers around the world 1 year ago:
Yeah yt-dlp has been my strat this whole time anyway. Also Piped and Invidious get the job done when i’m too lazy to type in one short command for every video I watch.
Also, specifying format with yt-dlp is unnecessary (“-f 22”) if you have ffmpeg installed iirc because it automatically selects the highest quality, thus shortening the command even further.
- Comment on Goodbye Youtube and thanks for all the fish 1 year ago:
whenever i get the ad thing (im using ublock) i just yt-dlp and then watch that way
- Comment on You had unrestricted access to the internet as a child, didn't you? 1 year ago:
Permanent psychological trauma for me yay