It’s older than that if you want to cite fiction
Which someone saying “maybe one day we can” is
Comment on Progress! 10 months ago
Soo… since OP is a jackass, here’s the link:…/Prisoners-could-serve-1000-year…
The gist (emphasis mine):
Philosopher Rebecca Roache […] said, […] “you could imagine developing a pill or a liquid that made someone feel like they were serving a 1,000-year sentence”
I can’t fathom why this is report-worthy. Was April 2014 such a boring month?
It’s older than that if you want to cite fiction
Which someone saying “maybe one day we can” is
You could imagine.
This philosopher hack has also written about eugenic BS aimed at sculpting humanity to have a smaller carbon footprint. I’m ok with op not actually linking to her crap.
lol and its only a few paragraphs long. Coulda tried harder, Rhiannon Williams… 10 months ago
I wouldn’t call OP a jackass for not providing the source for a shitpost. 10 months ago
providing source is good form in every context 10 months ago
Sure, the source would have been nice. They’re not a jackass for not providing it though. Do you send the source every time you show a friend a meme? 10 months ago
Yes, I do. In this case I think it’s vital to link to the source, since the meme make it look like this garbage was a real thing. 10 months ago
Well, yeah, but I come from furry culture. Gotta respect you artists. 10 months ago