Most jobs include a 30-60 minute paid lunch break, making 9-5 completely plausible.
Comment on We don't really work 9 to 5 but still call our job 9-to-5 10 months ago
Only exceptionally bad jobs (or exceptionally well paid jobs) are not 9to5 ime. 10 months ago 10 months ago
Most jobs include a 30-60 minute paid lunch break
What? Where do you live? I’ve only ever had one job with a paid lunch break and I’ve worked a lot of jobs 10 months ago
9-5 doesn’t include unpaid lunch break. Do you eat at your desk while working? 10 months ago
Paid lunch break 10 months ago
Sometimes. My work is pretty variable. Some days I have to search for things to do. Others I have lots with short due dates. On busy days I eat at my desk. On really busy days I don’t eat. It evens out in the end because I can leave early on slow days to make up the time.