- Comment on What is the weirdest argument you’ve overheard? 4 weeks ago:
I had an argument with my partner that they got to sit in bed on their phone for 10 minutes while I had to get up and care for the newborn. They were paying bills. I was still jealous. The argument ended with us both agreeing we were tired and would send the kid to daycare and nap.
- Comment on there's now more ads in "legit" sites (YouTube, amazon) than in piracy sites 5 months ago:
There are in the videos as sponsors for a lot of channels
- Comment on Before it's too late! 7 months ago:
Why do men need to learn to groan? Are they giving birth?
- Comment on How transwomen/transmen dream 7 months ago:
I’ve never been aware of my gender while dreaming unless it wasn’t a PG dream
- Comment on We don't really work 9 to 5 but still call our job 9-to-5 10 months ago:
9-5 doesn’t include unpaid lunch break. Do you eat at your desk while working?
- Comment on Does it really matter if you use white or colour detergent for washing clothes in a washingmachine? 10 months ago:
I never have used detergent for colored clothes.
- Comment on How did overalls and jumpsuits went from male work clothe to female fashion without becoming "male fashion" ? 11 months ago:
Not sure if you noticed women’s pants are significantly tighter and more form fitting than men’s. They also tend to be thinner and stretchier to accommodate, and therefore usually wear out faster and are not as good in cold weather.
- Comment on How did overalls and jumpsuits went from male work clothe to female fashion without becoming "male fashion" ? 11 months ago:
Generally if women wear something, men will avoid it to not appear affeminate. Increasingly so throughout history as fashion is incorporated into gender roles.
- Comment on Does more knowledge/awareness have a tendency to reduce enthusiasm for some subjects/activities? 11 months ago:
Came here for this
- Comment on Marshmallows are the boba of the hot chocolate world. 11 months ago:
Drink croutons
- Comment on Pets are mental health barometers 11 months ago:
This is, in large, why emotional support animals exist.
- Comment on Inspired by Swift Memes 1 year ago:
- Comment on Inspired by Swift Memes 1 year ago:
Well yeah, most parts don’t have that kinda freedom. Freedom for children to die in schools. Freedom to have a lethal standoff whenever you want. Such freedom.
- Comment on Inspired by Swift Memes 1 year ago:
I agree. There should be Trump’s face over an American flag painted on the side of that truck, and a pile of guns in the back. Otherwise you barely know it’s 'mukkka
- Comment on How can a ugly and short guy compensate for his looks? 1 year ago:
People keep saying “looks nice” but I want to be more specific in that different people think different clothes look nice. Some think business casual should be standard unless you are a laborer and prefer those. Some prefer very casual t-shirts and jeans, or sometimes jeans of a specific style, usually as long as they are clean and not stained. There are a ton of different styles you can choose from. I would suggest that overall most people prefer no stains and smelling nice (very light cologne, or even just scented laundry soap), and clothes that are not too big or too small. The area where you live probably has specific taste/style, and you can look at others want determine what you think will work for you. You can also try on a bunch of styles and see what feels good and what you think looks good on your body specifically.
I also want to say that, regardless of how you look, try and be a well rounded person. Look for a social group that you enjoy being in, stay in shape, learn to care for yourself and others (like cooking and cleaning, this can go a long way in attractiveness). Although some relationships start by one person they can help the other, either with money or emotional support, those are not often stable nor healthy relationships. If you are in a healthy place by yourself, you can develope better relationships.
- Comment on Google is making a map of methane leaks for the whole world to see 1 year ago:
That’s 10% better than most though
- Comment on What is a good, healthy, unhurtful, socially positive way to express anger? 1 year ago:
Exercise and processing emotion without letting yourself explode from it. Then, assess how you felt and determine how to avoid the situation in the future. If possible, talk to the person or people who you would like to build a better, healthier relationship with. Or, leave that portion of your life if possible, if it is truly toxic.
- Comment on How do you refer to the lgbtq+ "community" least excludingly? 1 year ago:
I would not consider that decisive, I would say I need to do better. But also, we all have life to learn and some knowledge travels faster than others. Please don’t change.
- Comment on How do you refer to the lgbtq+ "community" least excludingly? 1 year ago:
I’ve never seen/heard the 2 before, what is the 2?
- Comment on Any suggestions for overcoming addiction to capitalist big tech social media and streaming etc? 1 year ago:
I don’t think that capitalism is the only means of entertainment. Socialism brought us libraries. You can rent books and DVDs.
- Comment on Women STEM students up to twice as likely as non-STEM students to have experienced sexism 1 year ago:
Fortunately the ones who seemed socially awkward were the ones who did understand no. The majority who gave me scares were likely on the spectrum but none went too far. The ones who went too far and never respected no were definitely not on the spectrum, they were self centered and didn’t pay attention to other’s.
There are plenty of men who act like boys because they have been grace for their actions their whole lives. The result is that they cannot learn from their actions because they never learned how. They cannot understand when others don’t let them do whatever they want, and they don’t recognize consequences for their actions because they never had any. This may describe some on the spectrum but it has nothing to do with autism.
- Comment on Women STEM students up to twice as likely as non-STEM students to have experienced sexism 1 year ago:
If someone wants to try making friends, it’s reasonable for them to try and start a conversation. If the person they are pursuing isn’t interested, LEAVE THEM ALONE. CONSENT IS IMPORTANT.
If I’m screaming for help, if I’m being attacked, if I cannot defend myself, even if you see someone not respecting someone else’s consent, help the person who’s consent is not being respected. CONSENT IS IMPORTANT.
Hope this helps.
- Comment on Women STEM students up to twice as likely as non-STEM students to have experienced sexism 1 year ago:
Should, yes. They don’t always. And there are still far more than enough guys who do nothing when they are women treated very poorly but men/boys. I sort of understand college and high school, everyone is exploring and unsure what’s ok, and observers may be entirely unsure what to do.
It’s pretty common for a bunch of people to see something bad happen and everyone think someone should do something without realizing they are someone who could do something.
- Comment on Women STEM students up to twice as likely as non-STEM students to have experienced sexism 1 year ago:
I always hope people learn from their experience. I have no idea if they learned anything after interacting with me or assumed I’m some crazy female.
- Comment on Google Search Really Has Gotten Worse, Researchers Find 1 year ago:
I just searched local restaurants near me and tried to sort by distance and the first option was 800 miles away, the second was 600 miles away. It’s not just Google search getting worse.
- Comment on Women STEM students up to twice as likely as non-STEM students to have experienced sexism 1 year ago:
The undergrad boys in STEM I swear have never met a woman aside from their mothers. No, please don’t follow me home. Please don’t buy me food because I was next to you in line. Please don’t follow me into a store so you can buy me anything I’m purchasing. You are not invited into my conversation because you think I’m pretty, even if you just want to interrupt to tell me I’m pretty and you want to take me on a date. You are not allowed to hug me and hold me as long as you want just because you want to and it feels good for you, I didn’t want a hug and I didn’t know you. It isn’t cute for you to take things from me and play keep away because you are stronger and taller, it makes you a bully.
Teachers: please don’t ignore me when I try and participate or ask a question. I’ve gotten Cs with no explanation, no marks aside from the grade itself. When I check other’s work, theirs is written up with mistakes and they have a higher grade. Honestly that was just one teacher in an undergrad, the rest were pretty awesome, or at least not sexist.
- Comment on How does a SO feel different from a very good friend? 1 year ago:
Very true! Although honeymoon phase/stage can last quite a while, individuals depending.
- Comment on How does a SO feel different from a very good friend? 1 year ago:
A good friend (platonic relationship) is someone I can see every day, talk to about anything, and I want them in my life regularly. I personally cannot spend 100% all my time with someone who is just a good friend.
A romantic relationship is a good friend who I can live with and want to share a blanket and cuddle with at the end of the day. It’s someone I might want to hold hands with, kiss, or sleep with. It’s someone I want to come home to at the end of a good day to share good news, or end of a bad day to make it better.
A sexual relationship is someone I want to kiss and have sex with.
There are overlap. Romantic friends and friends with benefits are pretty common terms. Having a romantic relationship with sexual interest often ends up in bad relationships; I’ve heard this described as “feels like it should work” or “I loved them but I didn’t like them.”
- Comment on If there was more than one Illinois, would they be called Illinoises or Illinoi? 1 year ago:
Octopuses or octopi
- Comment on How to keep a man 1 year ago:
I showed this to my husband and asked him if he would like this. Turns out rice with sides of raw chicken and apple sauce get a shudder and gag.