Comment on I have attempted science. 11 months agoContinuing the Wikipedia quote for context
Pyle released a statement shortly afterwards which did not mention abortion, but said that he and his wife “have private beliefs as they pertain to our Christian faith. We believe separation of church and state is crucial to our nation flourishing.” He also stated they voted for the Democratic Party, and were “troubled by what the Republican Party has become and [did] not want to be associated with it.”[25][26][27] 11 months ago
I’m sure all the women rendered dead or permanently infertile by the abortion bans passed since then can appreciate the nuance of Pyle’s belief in the separation of church and state. /s 11 months ago
Honestly, I think it’s 100% reasonable, and is basically the same thing Biden says. He says they’re Catholic and personally do not believe in abortion, but that he also believes his religious beliefs shouldn’t be shoved on Americans and shouldn’t be the basis for legislation. I don’t have an issue with anyone who feels abortion is wrong, I just take issue if they force that belief on everyone else. 11 months ago
It’s not reasonable for him to say “my beliefs are private” and also support an anti abortion rally in public. 11 months ago
Then what was he doing at an anti-abortion rally? 11 months ago
I was talking about Biden. This guy said they voted Democratic. I don’t know more than what was in Wikipedia. 11 months ago
You can be pro life and still see that those policies are needlessly cruel.
There’s a big gap you can fall into while being pro life between forcing women to carry dead fetuses until they become horribly sick and suggesting that healthy fetuses be carried but maybe given up for adoption. Plus you can be against abortion privately without suggesting it be banned altogether.
Honestly his response there sounds like he’s not one of those insane people. 11 months ago
Not reallly, the whole notion of anti-abortion politics is that the rights of pregnant people are secondary to the rights of fetuses. It’s cruel by definition.
Both ends of that “gap” involve an eliminaton of the right to bodily autonomy for anyone that is or might become pregnant.
It sounds like he wants to distance himself from the slow-rolling clusterf&%k that is the state of abortion rights in this country without distancing himself from his anti-Christian belief that life begins at conception. The Bible itself has a recipe for herbal abortifacients and explicitly states that human life begins at first breath. 11 months ago
Ooh, you don’t happen to know a verse for this, do you? I’ve heard this before and tried to Google it, but my Google fu is lacking and I just end up finding right wing nut job websites. 11 months ago
In America there are two acceptable views.
Both came from religion. I can see why some people pick the first one when given only these two options. You wouldn’t want to be a le enlightened centrist after all. 11 months ago
"pro-life" is those policies.