- Comment on I have attempted science. 11 months ago:
In America there are two acceptable views.
- Alive at conception
- It’s ok to kill a fully born baby as long as it hasn’t breathed yet
Both came from religion. I can see why some people pick the first one when given only these two options. You wouldn’t want to be a le enlightened centrist after all.
- Comment on If was invented today, chances are it would be a GPT Site. 11 months ago:
Ask Jeeves already started sucking when they got rid of Jeeves himself. They lost sight of what was important.
- Comment on I cant believe this is real 11 months ago:
I finally have a reason to share this wikipedia article which contains the phrase “sire of dark ronald”
- Comment on We can dream 11 months ago:
They’ll copy it eventually. Similarly to how youtube gets all it’s features from porn sites, streaming services get all their features from piracy.
- Comment on Stop Making Great Anime Into Terrible Video Games 1 year ago:
Same with me but I can get that from anything BUT a fighting game. Musou games at least have actual environments and lots of characters including one-arc characters and glepshittos. I’ve never felt like a fighting game offered me anything that mugen hasn’t done better for over 20 years.
- Comment on Are there any games like Diablo but not Diablo because Diablo? 1 year ago:
Lord of the rings on GBA is a pretty decent option if all you can do is emulate old systems.
- Comment on Google Search Really Has Gotten Worse, Researchers Find 1 year ago:
I think this is part of why Google holds on to youtube despite it not making them money. Without that Google would just be the map and email company. They would completely lose the appearance of “owning” any part of the internet.
- Comment on Cant play monster hunter 1 year ago:
I like them when they’re off the switch but not when they’re on it.
- Comment on This console generation seems skippable 1 year ago:
PS4 and Xbone was the first generation I skipped. I always waited to see what console I was going to get first but then that whole gen just came and went before I knew it. I kind of wanted a switch this gen but I could never justify it to myself.
- Comment on Not even poor Notepad is safe from Microsoft's AI obsession 1 year ago:
I love Paint because when shit started hitting the fan in windows, Microsoft’s neglect actually elevated Paint to the best stock program on there. It’s the only image viewer I use on windows because it opens instantly and takes practically zero resources. Even large images can be opened faster than the crappy calculator, which is still the same calculator from Windows 8 by the way. I hope they never touch paint again.
- Comment on Not even poor Notepad is safe from Microsoft's AI obsession 1 year ago:
They had that in win10 as well for about a week and then they took it away hoping nobody noticed it so it could be a win11 feature instead.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I used to think all my problems would be solved if I had one of those.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
This kind of bee hive isn’t real. It’s an old fashioned type of man-made bee hive but I spent a large portion of my life thinking there was a species of bees out there somewhere making these.
- Comment on Extreme Grandpa 1 year ago:
The kind of shit I’ve been on lately
- Comment on Gamecube is the most underrated console while it was in circulation. 1 year ago:
The only thing wrong with the wiiu was the price of the games. People call it the “switch tax” but I had to pay $90 for pikmin 3 in 2013, when the idea of $70 games was still rocking the world of Sony and MS fans. If it wasn’t for a gift I never would have accepted that price.
- Comment on Does anyone wish they could go back to the beginning of schooling and re-live their education/school experience from the start? 1 year ago:
No I had a phase of that but these days I think my curriculum fucking sucked.
- Comment on Before It Was Carved 1 year ago:
They destroyed the world’s largest naturally occuring dorito :(
- Comment on This is just cruel 1 year ago:
My friend flipped when the first ever acknowledgement of Mistborn outside it’s own books was Kelsier as a guest character in Fortnite. It was like targeted harassment. I like Mistborn too but it didn’t bother me.
- Comment on AI-created “virtual influencers” are stealing business from humans 1 year ago:
I’ve seen some pretty interesting images and some funny text but nothing that amounts to a big enough vision that it’s something cohesive like a complete movie or a book. I’ve seen Joel Haver videos but those aren’t made by pushing a button and getting a video.
- Comment on AI-created “virtual influencers” are stealing business from humans 1 year ago:
Can’t you see us insulting them? We said a lot as we watched them descend into a dark hole never to return.
- Comment on AI-created “virtual influencers” are stealing business from humans 1 year ago:
Being a doctor would be a real job, but the only jobs I’ve seen actually getting replaced are things like clickbait content farms, scams, marketing, exploitive gambling-centric video games, and other spam. Unlike being a doctor it’s never been hard to shit that stuff out into the world. And since these neural networks aren’t actually that good, I’ll believe they can replace doctors when I see it.
- Comment on Xbox Slammed For AI-Generated Art Promoting Indie Games 1 year ago:
It wouldn’t be an independent artist it would be a marketing company
- Comment on AI-created “virtual influencers” are stealing business from humans 1 year ago:
Are there any that are real in the sense that they contribute something of value to society?
- Comment on Steam keeps on winning 1 year ago:
GOG > > Steam > whale poo > everything else
- Comment on How have you personally found the Lemmy community compared to its competition and other social media? 1 year ago:
I’ve noticed an ebb and flow to that. It seems like anger goes down when activity goes up, which is the opposite of what I would usually expect from the internet but that’s how it’s been on here. I have an account where I filter/block things and one where I don’t so I can see what’s really going on, and when there’s too much hate and rage content on the front page I take a break from lemmy for a while.
I think most of the people who say lemmy isn’t toxic at all are probably people who found a bubble where people don’t push back on their personal brand of toxicity very much.
- Comment on Sign now! 1 year ago:
Imagine the private prison that could be there.
- Comment on Starfield End of the Year Update 1 year ago:
It makes it look like a chinese vape website.
- Comment on Scientists show how ‘doing your own research’ leads to believing conspiracies — This effect arises because of the quality of information churned out by Google’s search engine 1 year ago:
Was this written by the actual soyjak?
- Comment on Netflix Resumes Advertising on X After Elon Musk Controversy 1 year ago:
This is what happens every time youtube has an apocalypse. They stay away long enough to feel like they’ve made their point and then they resume advertising like nothing happened. Maybe it’s not advertisers who hold the power and everyone should stop being so scared of them.
- Comment on 1.8 Million Barrels of Oil a Day Avoided from Electric Vehicles 1 year ago:
Why did feel a need to poohpooh electric cars for such a weird reason?