- Comment on This is at Jorvik Viking Center. 11 months ago:
Generally, you should use a cloth tape measure to measure dick. There are instructions online if you look.
Also, 8 inches to the hilt is often not pleasant, so work with your partner and learn how deep your sigmoid colon is, and take it slow. Big ol’ dick slamming into a wall is not fun unless you are very particularly into it.
- Comment on I have attempted science. 11 months ago:
Thanks! That dust on the floor I’m guessing is basically poison, lye and the ashes from other offerings. That’s wild.
Is there a verse specific to when life begins? I’ve read that it’s upon drawing breath, but that’s the part I haven’t been able to find.
- Comment on This is at Jorvik Viking Center. 11 months ago:
I imagine it was probably larger before it was… Dried out.
Also, 8 inches by 2 inches is pretty fucking large. I say this as someone who has had 8 inches back there.
- Comment on *So far* 11 months ago:
- Comment on I have attempted science. 11 months ago:
Ooh, you don’t happen to know a verse for this, do you? I’ve heard this before and tried to Google it, but my Google fu is lacking and I just end up finding right wing nut job websites.
- Comment on Meta just showed off Threads’ fediverse integration for the very first time 11 months ago:
When you say export, is there a tool for that for, like, mass exporting your subs? Or do I have to manually search each one and sub again?
I ask because I’ve been meaning to switch to my alt, but I made a point of subbing to as many communities as possible to make Lemmy more fun to use for me, and good lord, it’s a lot to do.
- Comment on So this is what my upstairs neighbor has been doing all morning 11 months ago:
Imagine if it just gets a leak in the head and you don’t realize. Queef/fart from hell afterwards.
- Comment on Oops 11 months ago:
Which one do we get the eyes from?
- Comment on Dynamic pricing is coming to grocery stores 11 months ago:
I’ve seen grocery stores with digital price thingies on the shelf in front of the items before. They’ll probably switch to that it it ever became a legal issue. Some people, not me, would suggest, though I would never, that breaking those and shoplifting would be good and ethical responses to such activity. In theory. I’d never suggest that, though. All that businesses do is good, and a hundred quantbrillion lifted out of poverty and blah blah blah flag waving gif
- Comment on Meat. 11 months ago:
note to self: visit Germany soon
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Reread what I wrote. Every government functions under an ideology. Governments do not exist in a vacuum, they are a collection of people, and those people have a more or less unified set of ideals on how their society should function. Yes, ideologies exist only in the mind, but governments are a physical manifestations of that mental construct. Even when there is a major disagreement within a government, such as the division in the US currently, it’s still a difference of degrees. No one in the the US government is outside of capitalism, even so-called socialists like Bernie Sanders. The US government functions under the ideology of capitalism. The Cuban government functions under the ideology of socialism. Even if you argue that Cuba isn’t actually socialist, they still function under the ideology of socialism. Governments exist because of those mental constructs.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Every government functions under an ideology. Capitalism is an ideology, democracy is an ideology, socialism, anarchism, liberalism, conservativism, they’re all ideologies. An ideology is just a set of ideals.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
They’re tired and would like to take a nap. Do the right thing and make them a sandwich. Getting milked is exhausting, especially if it’s a power play thing with post milking overstim.
- Comment on I hear phrases like "half-past", "quarter til", and "quarter after" way less often since digital clocks have became more commonplace. 11 months ago:
Our family’s was “freckle past a hair and time to get a watch”
- Comment on All of the 90s cats are dead. 1 year ago:
Thank you!
- Comment on All of the 90s cats are dead. 1 year ago:
How do you do this? I’ve seen it for years, but never thought to ask before. Lol.
- Comment on Why do (desktop) PC have so few USB ports ? 1 year ago:
I have genuinely no idea how any of that works. I’m a monkey with a smart phone. I just want to be able to connect all my shit. Lol. I have a mouse, keyboard, external drive, et cetera. I ended up getting Bluetooth mouse and keyboard, but I prefer my USB keyboard much more.
- Comment on Why do (desktop) PC have so few USB ports ? 1 year ago:
Worst part is, you can’t even really find a USB c hub that’s just USB c. Bunch of other shit you don’t need because everything uses A or C. I just want like 5 USB c ports and I’ll be happy. I updated everything I own to USB C, and I never have enough ports.
- Comment on Click bait in the future 1 year ago:
I kind of want this framed on my wall. It’s perfect.
- Comment on You probably make a stupid face when you pee. 1 year ago:
I, too, pee beneath a looking glass, and I can assure you, my pee face is no where near as weird as my pee-shudder face.
- Comment on awwww 1 year ago:
Oh yeah, gotta keep it dolphin-with-a-brazilian smooth. The trick is to skip the shaving, waxing and Nair style stuff. Just use a Zippo and burn the hairs off. Baby smooth in no time.
- Comment on Dude, what are you doing? 😠 1 year ago:
Y’know the Latin name of that creature is Fuckaroundicus Findoutinus.
- Comment on Disgustang 1 year ago:
Oh that’s awesome! I collected cast iron a few years back, but everything is in storage.
- Comment on Disgustang 1 year ago:
The old pyrex, cookware in general, is actually pretty valuable today. I mean, you’re not gonna buy a home off the sale of Nana’s favorites pans, but you could make a little bit of scratch.
- Comment on Will someone work on a new duck update! I want giant ducks man 1 year ago:
Iunno, mayne, I had ducks. Them fuckers are brutal when they find a frog, fish, et cetera. I don’t wanna be gobbled up. But if I’m fighting duck sized cars I can just stand at the top of some stairs or go into a tall building.
- Comment on Disgustang 1 year ago:
My parents (and grandparents) sold antiques, traveled and did the flea market circuit. That brown bowl with the mushrooms, was it this one?
We sold a ton of those.
- Comment on Qualcomm CEO says that the next version of Windows is due in mid 2024 - place your bets on Windows 11 24H2 or Windows 12 1 year ago:
I’m not a power user or anything, and don’t understand most of the things in computing. I’m a basic user with mostly basic needs. But the only thing that ever gets me back on windows is when my college requires a program specific to a class. Linux is just freaking better, even at the very basic, mostly doing browser based shit level.
- Comment on Why does incest result in birth defects? 1 year ago:
It’s 4 in the morning and I’m sick, got them albuterol inhaler shakes, and “soggy bones” made me laugh so hard I went into a coughing fit.
- Comment on Disgustang 1 year ago:
Lmao. Thank you.
- Comment on Disgustang 1 year ago:
… Please do not throw away Nana’s crockery. Some of that shit is valuable.
Also, use a wet wipe and turn the net curtains into tights you can wear while he rails he. Nana’s generation was frugal, she will approve.