- Comment on anyone else agree this episode had no right to be as scary at it was 4 months ago:
After all, she did detransition an enby and force it to become a heterosexual woman through conversion therapy and surgical modification.
- Comment on The number of lines for each character by percentage of the series 6 months ago:
Georgiou also got fridged for Michael’s character development. And then we follow Michael over the timeskip. Right out the gate, the universe exists to tell a story about Michael.
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Prodigy | 2x07 "The Race" 7 months ago:
I think Zero might be a he/they enby
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Prodigy | 2x07 "The Race" 7 months ago:
Insulting Janeway’s coffee is a dangerous move, holo-Rok
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Prodigy | 2x07 "The Race" 7 months ago:
Mariner interrupts Boimler’s captain’s log in S1E1
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Prodigy | 2x06 "Imposter Syndrome" 7 months ago:
Having a good clone protocol is important. Rok had the right idea.
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Prodigy | 2x03 "Who Saves the Saviors?" 7 months ago:
I hope Robert Beltran isn’t around next season. Surely they can recast Chakotay. Maybe give the role to an actual native turtle islander?
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Prodigy | 2x05 "The Mystery Spiral" 7 months ago:
“I haven’t seen a crew this dysfunction since the Cerritos.”
Hey a Lower Decks reference!
- Comment on Starship Noise Generator 7 months ago:
This is so cool. I bet Beta Shift would love it.
- Comment on Prodigy Season 2: How do we want to discuss it? 7 months ago:
I’m going to vote ranked choice, because first past the post is antidemocratic!
4, 1, 2, 3
- Comment on Kate Mulgrew told Rick Berman she wanted a gay character on the Voyager bridge 7 months ago:
To be fair the blonde bombshell in a catsuit was initially nonbinary.
And then Janeway immediately gave it conversion therapy and told it to be a woman.
- Comment on Two students uncover security bug that could let millions do their laundry for free 8 months ago:
Yeah, we don’t have laundromats in my country except for student housing and similar facilities. Laundry machines are ubiquitous in houses and apartments, even the small crappy ones.
- Comment on Describe an episode in the worst possible way 8 months ago:
It’s a newer episode.
- Comment on Describe an episode in the worst possible way 8 months ago:
A dive, a sex dungeon, and a junkyard are important stops on the way to a wedding. Two men both want to make their baby wet.
- Comment on Schools won't be allowed to teach children that they can change their gender ID, reports say 8 months ago:
If you like the tactics soulism adds to the leftist arsenal, you should read the soulist manifesto at soulism.net. There’s only a few dozen of us, but after reading the manifesto, I saw some pretty huge failures in the mainstream leftist worldview. Most leftists want to win a material victory against Capital, but they categorically refuse to deconstruct the social reality created by Capital to control us. Socially, they’re reactive. They take the way their opponent describes the world at face value and only disagree when the scientific method disagrees. But most of our reality is social, not scientific, and the scientific method doesn’t help you with that. The mainstream right is much better at crafting realities - a process we soulists call magic - than the mainstream left is. Escaping the body prison doesn’t really help if you can’t even begin to challenge the mind prison.
- Comment on Schools won't be allowed to teach children that they can change their gender ID, reports say 8 months ago:
I thought so. As a soulist, I’m interested in deconstructing and remixing social constructs into forms that benefit social justice. I noticed the hypocrisy of transphobes crying wolf about kids going through irreversible changes, and figured out it takes next to zero effort to use their own language. In appropriating the forms of our enemies’ arguments, we reduce their disagreement with us down to its fundamental form - in this case, a religious belief in genetic destiny. That’s the only thing setting their arguments of “for the children” apart from my arguments of “for the children”. And this is a much harder thing for a bystander to accept unquestioningly than “for the children”. I like showing bystanders what’s really setting our enemies apart from us.
Think of it like rhetorical kung fu. Using the opponent’s force against them
- Comment on Schools won't be allowed to teach children that they can change their gender ID, reports say 8 months ago:
It’ll start right back up again completely naturally as soon as you stop taking the pills. The pills are hormone blockers. The gonads still produce sex hormones, but the blockers react with the hormones and render them inert. The inert hormones are passed as urine like any other waste product in the blood. A few days after you stop taking the blockers, they’ll run out and the sex hormones will start expressing themselves just like they would in someone who never took the blockers. Puberty will begin (or resume) just as nature planned.
The only side effect is that you won’t go through puberty. Unfortunately, this does mean you’ll have a child’s amount of bone density, which is not good for a lifetime. But there’s absolutely 0 risk in delaying puberty until age 18. You’ll just grow up slower, the same as any late bloomer.
Hormone blockers are actually a component in an adult trans person’s hormone replacement therapy. To take me as an example, I have a pair of testes which produce testosterone. So I take an antiandrogen; a testosterone blocker, to suppress the effects. And I take estrogen pills so that I have a female blood chemistry. When I started taking hormone pills, my body reacted just like any teenage girl’s body. I got softer skin, mood swings, and better hair. I tell you what, having the emotions of a teenage girl as an adult is an absolute trip. I’m glad they’ve settled down since then. Some trans women I know even got period cramps, despite not having a uterus. I don’t envy them.
The body is genetically programmed to respond to sex hormones in a certain way. It doesn’t matter what you were born as, everyone’s organs, muscles, bones, and brain have a genetic programming that responds to estrogen one way, and testosterone another way. The potential is already inside every living human. That potential remains there for your entire life. Puberty blockers can’t do anything to take it away.
If I ever stopped taking my testosterone blocker, I’d start growing bigger muscles and hair in strange places. My body would resume functioning like a male body. One day I’ll get my testes removed, and I’ll never have to worry about that again. But that surgery is only available to adults, and it requires a psychiatric assessment. I’ve been openly trans for years and years and I’m still not allowed to do it yet. There’s absolutely no risk of a child going through the procedure without the absolute greatest caution, and a very urgent, life-saving need. And even if a horrible one in a billion mistake was made, they could just give the kid hormone pills the same as I take in order to restore their original sexual chemistry.
- Comment on Schools won't be allowed to teach children that they can change their gender ID, reports say 8 months ago:
That’s not true, but I wish it was. I wish everyone who tried to argue against saving children’s lives was pressured out of it by being called a murderer. Instead, murderers like Robert Galbraith are freely appearing in parliament to argue in favour of this legislation.
And I know you can’t tell from the headline, but this new rule against sex ed in schools also prohibits telling children what parts of their body are not okay for an adult to touch. Thanks to this new law, we will have a generation of children who are unable to report sexual abuse. Anyone who is in favour of this law is aiding and abetting pedophiles and getting children raped.
- Comment on Schools won't be allowed to teach children that they can change their gender ID, reports say 8 months ago:
No, that’s not true at all. I was pretty clearly nonbinary growing up, but every adult told me that natural puberty was a good thing and there was no way to avoid it. They didn’t tell me that puberty blockers were an option. They should have. It would only be 2 years after reaching natural puberty that I realised I was trans. 2 years of puberty blockers might have made a huge difference to my life. I was sure as shit rushed by every adult I knew into transitioning into a man, just because I was born with a penis.
- Comment on Schools won't be allowed to teach children that they can change their gender ID, reports say 8 months ago:
You’re a murderer of children.
- Comment on Schools won't be allowed to teach children that they can change their gender ID, reports say 8 months ago:
Personally I think we should be giving kids a lot more support in not transitioning. And by transitioning, I mean transitioning from a girl to a woman or from a boy to a man. If the child isn’t 100% certain they want to go through with massive irreversible hormonal changes, they shouldn’t. I don’t care whether those hormones come from a pill or from a gonad. They can make an informed decision whether to continue with puberty when they’re 16-18
- Comment on Schools won't be allowed to teach children that they can change their gender ID, reports say 8 months ago:
Trans people know they should be the other gender and that puberty causes massive permanent changes to their body they are horrified by. They often do not know that everyone else around them’s deepest fantasy isn’t to wake up one day as the other sex.
Can confirm. As a kid, I saw a lot of jokes about how horrible puberty is. I thought everyone felt the same way as me, since they all acted like it.
- Comment on Overweight people more likely to take sick leave, European study finds 8 months ago:
Actually, my GP gave me medicine to help my appetite even though I’m clearly obese. I was struggling to finish meals and asked the doctor for help. Doctor checked that I understood the risks, made sure I knew the warning signs of diabetes and what to do about them, and gave me appetite pills. I have had my prescription renewed at various different GPs and none of them ever made an issue of it. Turns out, doctors are actually very supportive and attentive to the patient’s individual needs, and it’s only assholes on the internet who make a big deal out of weight. Americans’ mileage may vary because their healthcare system is three insurance companies in a trench coat.
The question is, how many people are nonbinary like me, and feel pressured to live unhealthy lives because of people like you? If I hadn’t transitioned from male to female, then I wouldn’t have the socio-political literacy to have this conversation about gender with you. And that’s most people. How many people are assigned thin woman at birth, are actually fat woman on the outside, but don’t know shit about gender politics because they’re not traditionally trans? It could be a few, it could be a lot. But I guarantee the people who are like me are suffering because of the judgement of those who say there’s no such thing as Health At Every Size.
- Comment on Overweight people more likely to take sick leave, European study finds 8 months ago:
Men and women tend to be different sizes, as I’m sure you’ve noticed. Body size and shape is part of gender. Trans people who are too big or too small to fit their ideal body shape suffer dysphoria. And in cis people, the symptoms of obesity bear an eerie similarity to stress symptoms. Part of the unhealth of obesity for many cis people is gender dysphoria. They have a body shape that doesn’t make them happy, it stresses them out. However, not everyone in the world is a man or a woman. There are other genders, and some of those genders have an ideal size that is larger.
You say gender is nothing to cure, but then you say obesity is always a problem. And you say it to the face of an enby who gained weight on purpose and saw a reduction in physical dysphoria as a result. I didn’t feel comfortable taking pictures of myself until I was what the BMI scale calls overweight. When I was thin, the face in the mirror didn’t look like mine. It looked like some ugly person I’d been told my whole life was me. I’ve grown happier and more confident, and I have fewer suicidal ideations
And I still pursue physical health at my current weight.
- Comment on Overweight people more likely to take sick leave, European study finds 8 months ago:
Okay you’re still saying someone can’t be overweight and healthy, so like I promised, I’m gonna assert that there’s no such thing as men’s health. Being male will make a man die sooner. We need to give all men estrogen pills immediately and make sure they stick to the regimen. Being male is not okay, it’s bad for you and it’s driving up insurance costs for the rest of us. It’s selfish. Making bad choices out of stubbornness and pride while everyone else pays. That’s not okay.
Please note these are not my actual views, I’m just applying anti-HAES logic to other parts of our bodies in the same manner.
- Comment on Overweight people more likely to take sick leave, European study finds 8 months ago:
Health is relative. Health isn’t an absolute boundary between healthy and unhealthy, that’s silly. Health is a polydimensional spectrum. If you want to categorise health “objectively”, well then seeing as men live shorter than women, we’d be forced to classify maleness as an illness and put every man in the world on estrogen pills. And that’s ridiculous. No, health isn’t a single standard that’s the same for everyone.
Health isn’t a point, it’s a direction. Like South. South is a direction. I see Americans say all the time that they’re from the south. They mean Texas. But I live in Australia. From my point of view, they’re from the north. But it’s not like they’re lying. In terms of America, they’re from the south. It’s true.
Health is like South. If you’ve lived your entire life overweight with poor health, then getting healthy can mean a lot of different things. If you start jogging once a week and get healthier, well congratulations, you got healthy. It’s relative. It’s unreasonable for you to demand somebody in that situation meet the ideal of human health. If you do that, if you belittle their progress and say the best they’ve done in their life isn’t good enough, you’ll kill their motivation and ruin what little health they’ve achieved.
And if you go around saying there’s no such thing as health at every size, well then I’ll tell you there’s no such thing as men’s health, because being a man is unhealthy. The two statements are equally ridiculous.
- Comment on Overweight people more likely to take sick leave, European study finds 8 months ago:
You started this conversation saying Health At Every Size is bogus and harmful. Now you’re saying both topics are important. I agree. I’m going to assume you’ve changed your mind and now understand the benefits of Health At Every Size at improving people’s health regardless of weight, and also that HAES makes it easier to lose weight if that’s what they also want.
- Comment on Overweight people more likely to take sick leave, European study finds 8 months ago:
Okay so what’s going on in this thread is that I assumed the point was to help people, and you assumed the point was to lose weight. And I think that illustrates what Health at Every Size means perfectly. HAES is about helping people, and the people complaining about HAES aren’t interested in helping people, they only want people to lose weight.
- Comment on Internet use is associated with greater wellbeing, global study finds 8 months ago:
Always has been, as someone with a grass allergy. I fucking hate grass and I hate touching it. No, getting the sniffles will not improve my mental health. But it might make me puke up my lunch, thanks to a little thing called a post-nasal drip caused by long covid.
Lawns aren’t some great mental health boon. They’re a symbol of petty bourgeois waste and excess pushed by the racist suburbs that invented them to keep black people out. TL;DR: grass is racist.
Also outside is where we trans people get hate crime’d. Fuck that place, and telling us to get off the internet is imo violent speech. The internet is the only place where many trans people are gendered correctly and allowed to be themselves. Lower internet use for trans people leads to higher suicide rate.
- Comment on Overweight people more likely to take sick leave, European study finds 8 months ago:
Also what if someone wants to be fat? "No, you’re not allowed to look how you want to look. You have to change your appearance to fit in because uhhhhhh you need to go produce more labour value for Capital.
Fuck that shit. It’s fashy as hell. Also transphobic vibes tbh.