Some form of tiny PC with Kodi and a remote.
I’m currently looking at jailbreaking an Apple TV for the purpose.
Comment on Can you un-smart a smart tv? 10 months agoWhat streaming tool then? Chromecast, but then Google just tracks it all.
Some form of tiny PC with Kodi and a remote.
I’m currently looking at jailbreaking an Apple TV for the purpose.
Kodi on a Raspberry!Easy to install, once set up it’s rock solid and you can integrate a lot of streaming and IPTV serviced these days.
I’ve replaced rokus / firesticks with cheap mini PCs. Currently they’re running ReviOS (a stripped down version of windows) but I plan to migrate to linux as I get more comfortable with it.
That I don’t know. My mom just has Comcast s and we have the cable box HDMI output going to the TV. No streaming though in principle we could use a computer for that.
I wonder if an HDMI computer monitor could substitute for a dumb TV.
AppleTV 4k is probably the best option privacywise IMHO.
Watch out, you can’t say anything good about any Apple products on Lemmy lest you seek downvotes.
Because Apple privacy is as much a sham as any other product. They just market and obfuscste well.
I know, I know. Fortunately Lemmy downvotes mean nothing. Apple software has definitely gone downhill since I started back in 2007, but there’s still no total ecosystem replacement that is superior, as far as I can tell.
FYI, tracking is also (potentially) done via the HDMI connection by the streaming device.
For example: I have an HDMI Blu-ray, and the TV has tech to sample what is on the screen - so it knows what I’m watching even if it’s not streamed. The bastards are always a few steps ahead of us.
If it’s not connected to a network, the data never leaves the TV though, and then the tracking doesn’t really matter.
They’re starting to put LTE modems in all cars. When will they do the same with TVs? LTE or LORAWAN prob.
You cannot hide. Lol 10 months ago
If you’re already using an Android phone with Play Store on it, the additional exposure through the Chromecast is probably not significant. Otherwise, in addition to the other suggestions, you could grab an Android capable board from HardKernel for example and run plain Android TV on it. For example the ODROID-C4. It’s got nearly identical hardware to the CCwGTV. The setup is obviously more elaborate.