It’s only greater than the supply because the demand for more wasn’t there.
There’s so much Lithium out there, it’s not scarce at all. It just means we gotta put resources into looking for good deposits and then extracting it.
If we can find something that works as well and it’s as or more environmentally friendly to obtain, then that’s great too. 1 year ago
Yes do look into it. There are MANY ways to harvest lithium and most are better than what the oil and gas companies does when fracking or drilling on land. 1 year ago
Being better than one of the most destructive industries ever is not a high bar. But the most effective way to harvest lithium remains an open pit mine, which are arguably worse than literally anything else. 1 year ago
Going to argue it isn’t as bad as shale / oil sands projects. 1 year ago
I thought it was all or almost all of the metals?
There’s other non metals that wouldn’t be but all the lithium is for example? 1 year ago
Making an improvement for something that can be recycled and thus should REDUCE over time is a a MASSIVE improvement over doing nothing and bitching about it. 1 year ago
The less we need of it, the better either way. 1 year ago
It can be recycled… Unlike the oil and gas used up in ICE cars. 1 year ago
I don’t know who told you that being second worst is a flex, but it’s not.